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Recent Devotionals

Are there promises in your life that you have been trusting God to fulfill for an extended period?…
woman reading classic book
It's a brand new year, a time to let yourself be excited about all that's ahead. But for some, you…
As we approach next year, many of us are busy making resolutions and setting goals. But in all your…
sentimental value
Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? Most people find those goals abandoned by a few months…
Mother Teresa provided a paragon of humility. She followed her passion for the destitute into the…
Sometimes, our Christian walk can feel like a to-do list. However, God’s Word is clear that if we…
Not everyone climbs mountains, but often, our challenges seem as challenging as scaling a…
Have you ever thought about the dichotomy of how your future might play out in your mind? It's so…
God lives among us, walks with us daily, and desires the very same communion with us that He had…
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, let us be thankful for the divine plan the Lord has for…
The search for the perfect Christmas gift cycles around every year. It's easy to get caught in the…
On her first trip to Israel, this writer discovered the short distance between Bethlehem and…
This Christmas, I don’t have to be afraid—of anything. Can you say that today? Peace is something…
While Christmas is supposed to be merry and bright, it can also be dark and difficult, with…
The story of Jonah and the whale is often one you're taught as a child. But as an adult, the idea…
whisper to santa
Children love getting presents any day of the year, but especially at Christmas. Read how this shy…