Unexpected Company
Forty years later, I can still hear my daughter singing about a “wee little man.” Complete with motions, climbing up a sycamore tree, and Jesus looking up to see him, she knew the story by heart.
tells us Zacchaeus, a tax collector, was a short-statured man determined to see Jesus. Can’t you see him, weaving through rows of people, trying to get a glimpse of the famous teacher? Frustrated and unsuccessful, he chose another route. The man had spunk. He climbed a tree and disregarded the potential of splinters from rough branches, bird droppings, and pieces of bark clinging to his robe. Curiosity and tenacity ruled.
Then it happened. Jesus stopped. He noticed Zacchaeus.
“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’” (NIV).
Jesus even called him by name and said he must go to his house. Could it be? Unexpected company and life-changing results were in store for Zacchaeus, who was regarded by the crowd, and Jesus, as a sinner.
Every morning we have that same invitation. Jesus says, 'I’m coming to your house today.' Perhaps we meet Jesus reading online devotions, or our personal quiet time with our Bible, and in prayer. Though we may be Christians, we are sinners, saved by His grace. Jesus never stops seeking our attention. He wants to come. He delights in our company.
Are we delighted or in a hurry? Jesus said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” Not “I’d like to,” but He must come. He knows what He has for us:
- The One with perfect wisdom desires to offer insight into our decisions. Do you want to miss out on hearing Him say, 'I have a word for you about managing that relationship, difficult co-worker, finances, ...'?
- The One who has purposes in mind for us offers to reveal His plans for our day. He’s just waiting to hear from you as if He is saying, 'Pray and ask me for wisdom and direction. I have a storehouse. Listen for my voice.'
- The One who loves us with unfailing love wants to comfort us in disappointments and heartache. 'I know you’re hurting but feel my comfort and love.'
We don’t need to climb a tree and get splinters. While we’re still dressed in pajamas with a coffee cup in hand, Jesus wants to come to our house and meet us at the start of our day.
tells us Zacchaeus’ response was to welcome Him gladly. Zacchaeus looked and it was life-changing. Are you willing to do the same and take the time to listen?Copyright © February 2020 Marilyn Nutter, used with permission.