Trusting God Through the Fog
Many years ago, I had a vision. I stood at the top of a mountain and stared at two paths in front of me. The path to the left winded down a slope into the valley. The view was beautiful. The sky was clear. The future promised everything I had ever hoped for: marriage, family, and ministry in my local church. But something was missing.
The path on the right was rocky and led straight into a forest dense with fog. It twisted and turned until it disappeared into the darkness. The future on this path held no promise to fulfill any of my dreams—just uncertainty. But beyond the fog, I heard God calling my name. “Follow me.”
Giving up control has never been easy for me. I like to have a solid plan—a map that shows me where I am going and exactly how I am going to get there. Taking one step at a time by faith doesn’t come naturally. Instead of trusting God, I often fight against Him, even when I know He wants what’s best for me.
I can imagine this was how the Israelites felt after they left Egypt—and everything they had ever known—to follow God into a wilderness. They had no road map. They did not know their destination. The only directions they had were to follow the cloud over the tabernacle. Sometimes that cloud lifted within a day, and they moved on. But other times, it stayed in place—for a long time.
In this way, they traveled and camped at the LORD’s command wherever he told them to go (Numbers 9:18 NLT).
No wonder some of them grumbled. I would have, too! My will would have been fighting for more information—for greater control. But Moses kept reminding them that God had promised something wonderful on the other side, something better—a promised land! Their only other choice? To return to Egypt—to the very place where they once lived as slaves.
That’s where our will pulls us, isn’t it? Back to the very place of bondage: the place where we tried to make it on our own and failed, the place outside of God’s ultimate will for us. After tasting the freedom that God called us to, returning to our old lives doesn’t seem that appealing anymore, does it? So, we press on, “forgetting what is behind and looking forward to what lies ahead” (Philippians 3:13b).
So even in the midst of their grumbling, the vision of what awaited them pulled the Israelites forward, like a voice calling their names beyond the fog.
I knew which path God wanted me to take, but it wasn’t easy. I had no idea where that journey would take me. Some days, the prospect of walking into the unknown was exciting and full of adventure. Other times, I simply grew weary—waiting days, months, or even years before seeing any sign of movement.
I wish I could say that I never grumbled or complained. I can’t. But along that journey, God began to restore some of my dreams—in His own way, in His own time. Other dreams, I had to completely surrender and bury along the roadside. As I did, God filled those empty places with something better—Himself.
As we enter the season of Lent, take a moment to ask yourself: Am I totally surrendered to God? With uplifted hands, release whatever control you are holding onto and simply allow Him to guide you along the path He wants for you.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.