Holy Discontent
Roatan is a tiny island 60 miles off the coast of Honduras. It's a beautiful island I have been blessed to visit many times.
There is a small key, just a short boat ride from Roatan called Little French Key. We call it "Frenchy's" for short.
This tiny island is guarded by the second largest coral reef in the world and is surrounded by stunningly turquoise water.
This secluded key is also home to a small, amazing zoo.
The owners of the zoo have rescued hurt and abused animals from circuses and abusive owners from around the world. They have made a sanctuary for them on this beautiful island key where the animals are very loved and greatly cared for.
One of my favorites is a lion named Charlie. Charlie does not know He is a lion. Gentile as a house cat, sweet as a puppy. Before finding his way to the zoo, he was declawed, had just a few teeth left, and was so scrawny and full of mange that he barely resembled "a king of the jungle." He was as good as dead. He's very old, but healthy now, and spends most days just sleepIng in the sun.
His whole life has been spent in captivity. He has no idea of the kind of life a wild lion lives. If Charlie were to be set free now, he would parish. He would not be able to defend himself because he was never allowed to be who he was meant to be. He lives a life defined by the size of his cage.
How many of us have out-grown our proverbial cages and are not living the lives we were born to live? Do you feel trapped like there is a whole world out there and you are missing out? This is what I like to call a holy discontent. Might this be the Holy Spirit prompting you to step out and live your life on purpose for Christ?
Jesus came to set the captives free.
What's keeping you confined from living your best life? What is paralyzing you from stepping outside of the four walls our your comfort zone? Is it a fear of failure or of the unknown? Perhaps it's an overflow of self-disqualification.
The longer we stay in the confinement of the strongholds that hold us back, the more we will become a limited and bound creature of habit. A victim of the status quo. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy.
NIVHe steals our strength, joy, peace, and our future. He destroys our confidence and robs us of the victorious, supernatural life that God's Word says we should be living!
Let God take you to it and ultimately through it. Jesus came that we would have power, love, and a sound mind.
We are called to be fearless warriors and mighty ambassadors for Christ.
Make a decision today to go back and investigate the secret desires of your heart, the seemingly intangible things you shelved long ago—those very things you cast aside as utter impossibilities. Nothing is impossible through Christ who enables, stretches, strengthens, and qualifies. Look fear in the eye, interrogate it, fight the good fight of faith. Your best life awaits!
Be determined to step out in faith today!!
Your victory rests in God alone, not your own abilities. He's got you and he will never let the righteous fall!
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, …” Luke 4:18 NLT
Copyright © 2016 Nina Keegan. Used by permission.