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The Cross Is Still the Answer

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Ever been in the middle of a miracle and not known it? I know I have. Sometimes these miracles may seem mundane to us, or we may even miss the miracle that is in motion. There are millions of little miracles taking place all around us in our daily lives.

Some miracles we remember more than others. There are a few miracles I have witnessed that I will never forget. Like the time I saw a young man healed in the middle of a church service, running around the sanctuary during worship after months of knee injuries causing him to not be able to walk. Or when I heard the news of a woman our small group had prayed relentlessly over for months, healed miraculously of stage 4 metastasized cancer. Completely healed and whole in Jesus’ name!

When these miracles took place, everyone around us rejoiced and celebrated the greatness of the power of Jesus! We were filled with awe how God still moves.

But what if you are in the middle of a painful season and haven’t experienced a miracle yet? What if you are still waiting for a miracle or breakthrough moment? You need hope to believe that God still moves and still heals. I’ve been there before, and I can empathize with you today.

We can be filled with hope when we read of the power of Jesus in Mark 7 when He heals the deaf and mute man. We aren’t given expansive details of this man’s past, or his condition, but we pick up the story in Mark 7:34-35 where it says,

He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (Which means “Be opened!”). At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.

Jesus took the man away from the crowd, silenced all the noise, and there He laid his hands on the man’s eyes and spoke “be opened” over his body. With Jesus’ touch and His breath, the man’s ears were opened, and his tongue was loosed to speak. What a sight to behold!

Often, it’s easy to think of the stories of the Bible as mystical or far-off, not something that could happen in our lives. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Because of the cross, the finished work of Jesus’ death—we have access to His miracle-working power in our daily lives.

Ready for some honesty? I’ve struggled to believe that God can and still will heal. I’m currently standing in the middle of a prayer, before I have a miracle testimony. In the middle, before a miracle, I choose to trust that God still moves. He still heals. I remember times He’s healed in my past and I declare it over my future! And whether He answers on this side of heaven or in eternity, I will praise Him! That’s the key. Jeremiah 30:17 declares “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the Lord.” Let us declare that for our own lives today—don’t lose hope! 

Today, do you feel tired? Is there a sickness in your body, or in someone you love? Do you need a touch from Jesus? Remember the testimonies you have heard and witnessed of God’s miracle-working power! Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual—Jesus has what you need. The cross is still the answer. The blood of Jesus is still the blood! Call on Him. Trust in Him. Believe Him for healing.

He is always working miracles; may we open our hearts and eyes today to see them all around us.

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Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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About The Author

Marissa Nordlum

Since 2021, Marissa Nordlum has been CBN's email analyst and devotional writer. She has a passion for the local church and loves seeing creative writing edified in music and written content. Her background is in church ministry, where she served as a youth pastor and worship leader. She lives with her husband and their three sons in Arizona.

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