The Speeding Ticket
The reflection of blue lights flashed in my rear-view mirror. Embarrassed, I pulled over.
“Ma’am, can you explain why you were speeding?”
“I wasn’t paying attention.” I knew not knowing my speed was no excuse. I was responsible for operating my vehicle safely. The officer ticketed me and I went my way.
When I got home, I looked up the potential consequences: one-year revocation of license, lawyer costs, court costs. I felt nauseous.
Rather than worrying further, I bowed and put the situation in God’s mighty hands. Father, You gave me the license, so it is Yours to take or to give as You desire. I release this situation to You. I called my husband, and he called our attorney.
“I can possibly get the charges reduced by 10 miles per hour,” the lawyer said, “or if we’re lucky the charges could be reduced to ‘improper equipment.’” He explained his rates, court costs, and potential insurance rate hikes. “Do you have questions I can help you with? And try not to worry about this. I’ll do my best to get this matter resolved.”
“When I go to court, will you be with me?”
“I am going in your place. You stay home. I will speak to the judge on your behalf, and I will represent you.”
A few days later, my lawyer called. “Your case has been dismissed.”
“Dismissed? As in, forgiven?” I was shocked.
“Not exactly. It’s better than that.”
“Dismissed means we are acting as if this never happened. It will not appear on your record at all. You’ll owe no court costs, and this will not be reported to your insurance. Your slate is wiped clean.”
“Thank you for representing me. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing? Are you sure?”
“That’s right. My services are gratuitous.”
The next morning, the scripture I read during my quiet time was,
“For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. (KJV)”
God is good, and even if my license had been revoked, I would still have reason to believe this is true.
Father God loves us so much He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place and to take the punishment for our transgressions—even the ones that are more serious than traffic violations. Every way we’ve messed up, Jesus has already paid for.
Father God has made it possible through belief in His Son Jesus, for our record of sins to be wiped away.
KJV reads,“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.”
Jesus erases the charges that are against us with His own shed blood. It is as if we have never sinned, even though we were the guilty ones. The work Jesus accomplished is beyond forgiveness; the charges against us have been dismissed.
When we get to heaven, no one will say, “Remember when you were speeding?” Not only are we forgiven, we are made new. 2 Corinthians 5:17b NLT reads,
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
Thank You, God, for sending Jesus to wipe my record clean.
Copyright © July 2019 Diane Virginia, used with permission.