Salt in the Ashes
Being a connoisseur of fine foods, and nicknamed "Sally Cuisine", I learned the art of rubbing coarse Kosher salt on my baking potatoes to enhance the flavor of these delectable goodies. Well, this practice left quite a mess in my lower oven, and it was time to incinerate the debris. So yesterday, being rather cool outside, I programmed the cleaning feature and left the oven to do its work.
Much to my surprise, after a three-hour cycle of intense heat that left all the other "gook" in ashes, the salt was still there - chunky and untouched. That's when the Lord reminded me that He wants us to be so salty and full of His word and grace that not only will others want to taste and see but that we can withstand the heat - the heat that comes from the trials and intense situations of life.
: ... Salt is a reminder of God's covenant.
What situation could have been more intense than that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as told in Daniel Chapter 3? King Nebuchadnezzar heated the fiery furnace seven times hotter than usual so as to toss the three lads in for not bowing to his statue. They knew their God was able and would deliver them - what great faith! Just as the salt survived, so did these three.
: ... the fire hadn't touched them - not a hair of their heads was singed; their coats were unscorched, and they didn't even smell of smoke!
Even at the end of our cycle of life, it will be our salt that remains from the ashes. Fill up your shaker today - sprinkle as needed, and be prepared if your dish will be baked, broiled or fried!
: Good salt is worthless if it loses its saltiness; it can't season anything. So don't lose your flavor! ...
So go out today and enjoy all that God wants to share with you. God reveals his truths to everyone - even me through baking potatoes! If the world turns up the heat, you'll be ready! Be salty and survive virtually anything!
: What good is salt that has lost its saltiness? Flavorless salt is fit for nothing - not even fertilizer. It is worthless and must be thrown out. Listen well if you would understand my meaning.
Bible verses quoted from The Living Bible.
Copyright © Sally Buckner, used with permission.