I Once Was
So, the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. (Mark 5:20 NIV)
There is power in your story. Often, we can underestimate the impact of what God has done in our lives as a way to share the Gospel. You may not have had an encounter with God like the man did in this passage in Mark, or seen God face-to-face like Paul on the Damascus Road, but your story is no less incredible.
When we say yes to Jesus, we move from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light, from death to life! That’s amazing!
Back in the story in Mark 5, we read about a man so plagued and harassed by evil spirits that he was driven wild. Everyone in that region would have heard of him. Everyone would have known the depths of his struggle and the destruction that followed him. Can you imagine one day seeing this crazed man walking toward you, and the next day you see someone that resembles him, but who is completely changed in his appearance? The impact of his change would have sent tongues wagging for sure! His transformation would have truly been unbelievable unless you heard it from the man himself. Maybe that’s why he went back to tell everyone? No one can argue with the reality of what is standing right in front of them.
The power contained in these three words, I once was, tells the story of what God can do in your life… and if He can do it for you, then He can do it for anyone.
You have a story to tell—a story that displays the wonder, grace, and power of God. Your story may not be dramatic by the world’s standards (saved from drug addiction, suicide, or abuse) but it is significant and contains truth of the Gospel. Perhaps you have been fearful in the past and God has brought peace, or you have suffered from depression, and you are walking the journey to joy again? God can and will use your life to host the power and presence of God, leading others to experience that freedom for themselves.
Whatever your story, tell it, shout it out from the rooftops! In fact, let’s tell all around just how much Jesus has done. God’s power is transformational, and the work He has done in you is worth telling others about.
Scripture is quoted from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.