In Jesus' Name
"... I tell you the truth, you will ask the Father directly, and he will grant your request because you use my name." (
A new prayer-priority emerged for me: to remember my High Priest Jesus interceding throughout the day. After reading Ruth Gibson's Chipped Dishes, Zippers & Prayer, I longed to be aware and give thanksgiving for the different ways Jesus helped me each day.
When Ms. Gibson's children were young, she had a difficult decision to make. She wanted to return to graduate school, and she closed her prayer for guidance, "In memory of Jesus, whose mother never went to college."
Ms. Gibson's prayers prompted soul-searching for me. The typical closing phrase after my prayers was "In Jesus' name." Over the years, those final words became a habitual prayer component. Instead of acknowledging the way Jesus life-supported me on any given day, I merely repeated a phrase heard since childhood.
To recognize the hand of the Savior in my daily life became very important to me. Paul understood the abiding presence of Jesus and wrote about the spiritual boosts he received,
"That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me." (NLT)
I began to notice that on some days Jesus became my Prince of Peace. On others, he revealed himself as Counselor. And one particular night, he crossed stormy seas to climb into my rocking boat.
Nave's Topical Bible lists over 200 names and titles for Jesus. Here are a few: Servant of Rulers, Faithful and True Witness, Good Master, Finisher of faith, Captain of the Lord's Host, Righteous Judge, Sanctuary, Vine, Door, Fountain, Arm of the Lord and a Friend of Sinners.
The Hebrew writer's instructions to "fix your thoughts on Jesus," and "consider him" became a daily goal. After a time, for I'm a slow-learner, I began to recognize Jesus' care to be constant, conformed to my need, and energizing.
Ruth Gibson was a link in bringing me to a deeper relationship with my Savior. One day, I spoke with her and expressed my thanks because her written prayers led me to holy ground.
Father, You spoke to Moses, Joshua, and the priests about holy places. Now I'm remembering the barefoot Christ and his sacrifice for me. Please, forgive me the careless times I've tagged the name of Jesus at the end of my prayers. I ask in the name of the seventy-times-seven forgiving Savior. Amen.
Excerpt from The Stained Glass Pickup: Glimpses of God's Uncommon Wisdom. Used by permission of Leafwood Publishers. www.LeafwoodPublishers.com