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Heavenly Contemplations

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I have no home. I’m not homeless per say, but I having no dwelling to call my own. It’s a long story, but basically because of a job layoff, my husband has been traveling the past year for the job he currently has. As of July, our family sold our home and we have been moving around. So far we have been to California, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas. Yes, we have driven all these places with three energetic boys ages 5-14; and yes I still retain my sanity!

I tend to be a thinker and reflect on all that is happening around about me. Traveling has afforded me many opportunities to ponder the amazing greatness of God. Our second day traveling back from California we were driving through New Mexico and the mountains were purple; and it clicked in my head, “Oh, that’s what the song means ... purple mountain majesty!” I was so amazed by the different vegetation that grows in Southern California. It seemed so foreign and yet so strikingly beautiful. I have a whole picture folder of trees, cacti, plants, and flowers I had never seen before. I was able to see breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean from high atop cliffs and close up in the surf and sand. There is an eeriness of the desert as you drive through miles and miles with nothing in sight. At times I missed the green of the East Coast and all the trees that clutter its landscape. What an amazing creation; even better, what an amazing Creator.

I have only seen a fraction of this world. Truth be told, outside the USA, I’ve only visited Canada. As I sat in the car day after day, I took it all in and pondered over everything I was seeing. My one thought was, “How amazing heaven must be!” No sin has marred it. It is home to our awesome God. There is no need for the sun, for His glory illuminates His paradise. There is only happiness and peace. What will it be like to be so enveloped in God’s love? What will it be like to breathe in His goodness? What will it be like to see the fierce, compassionate eyes of our Savior? It is too much to comprehend.

Ah, but here we find ourselves back on this stained earth. Wars, uncertainty, famine, suffering, stress - it goes on and on. We can begin to let the things of the world overwhelm us, worry us, stress us out. Fear would like to come in and make a home in our hearts. When this begins to happen we need to take a minute and think on good things.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who goes to him for safety” ( ).

No matter what is going on around us, God is good, He is amazing. He does wonders in the earth; and He is never, ever shaken. One day we will meet him face to face. All of these temporary trials will seem but a moment. We will be with Him forever.

“But we are citizens of heaven. And we can hardly wait for a Savior from there. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.” ( ).

Copyright © Michele McLean, used by permission.

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About The Author


Michele is a graduate of Regent University. She travels the country with her husband and homeschools her three sons.

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