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American fireworks

Fireworks and Faith

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“If I buy some fireworks for the 4th of July, can I set them off at your house so we can all enjoy them?” my friend Allen asked.

“I’ll pray about it,” I answered with my usual response.  

I sought the Lord, and I heard Him say to my spirit, “No one will get hurt.” I had peace. I called Allen and told him yes. 

That 4th of July was beautiful — perfect temperature, no humidity, and no rain. Who could ask for a better night? 

My best friend Sarah and I spread blankets at the top of the driveway against the garage. We put a baby fence in front of the blankets to keep our young children from the temptation to run down the driveway into danger. Then we all sat down to enjoy the show; me with my three-year-old son Daniel in my lap. We were all having a great time. The fireworks were beautiful. Everything seemed perfect.  

Allen dropped the next firework into the launching tube. As he lit it, he bumped the tube, and it fell. Instantly, a bright blue glowing firework headed straight toward my face! I could not move because Daniel was still on my lap. I remember it so clearly. I closed my eyes, crying out to God, “No! God, You said no one would get hurt!” My silent cry to God was heard by Him and Him alone. Yet, when I opened my eyes, the firework was gone! 

Sarah was patting the blanket around us looking for ash or even a burn mark. There was nothing! I looked at Sarah and she told me, “The firework was headed straight for your face. It got a foot away, dropped straight down to the ground, and disappeared!”  

We looked all around us. There was no sign of it happening at all - no ash, nothing! 

Ephesians 6:10-18 instructs us to put on the full armor of God. I strive to do this every day. That night, it was the shield of faith from verse 16 that saved me and my son Daniel. 

...above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:16)

From studying Romans 10:17, we know that faith comes by hearing. I had spent time with God, listening to His voice. Therefore, when the time came, I was able to stand on His promise and no one got hurt. Oh, how important it is to spend time with the Lord and in His Word! We cannot stand on what we do not know. That 4th of July, we literally saw God use a shield of faith to quench a fiery dart. God is so good! 

He tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6:  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. 

God wants to direct us, we just need to be still and listen. 

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10a)

Prayer: Father God, we want to hear Your precious will for our days and for our lives. Help us to seek You and be still to listen to You. You have all the answers and we need to hear them. We trust You and the guidance You give through the power of Your Holy Spirit given to us through the death and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen


Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 

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About The Author

Lina Johnson

Lina began working in the CBN Prayer Center in 2009. She enjoys spending time with her sons, their wives, and her grandchildren. Lina loves sharing Jesus with anyone who will listen, and her favorite Scripture is Zephaniah 3:17.

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