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Entirely Faithful

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I have seen God’s faithfulness in my own life many times. In the fall of 2014, the Lord led me to leave everything and everyone I had ever known to follow Him. The first time the Lord whispered Virginia Beach to my heart in 2010, it wasn’t an audible voice, but I knew I needed to pay attention. God was doing something. I began to pray and seek the Lord like never before. As time went on, He showed me pieces of the puzzle little by little. They were never big pieces, so I had to trust in Him and in His timing and wait for my moment to move.  

In the fall of 2014, the door to make my move to Virginia Beach finally opened. Nothing looked like I thought it would, but I followed Him in obedience anyway. It was not easy. The amount of homesickness and sadness I felt was overwhelming. I felt completely alone. I even started to question whether I had heard from the Lord. I couldn’t understand why everything was so hard since I had followed the Lord in obedience. 

I have always felt more connected to God when I have been in His creation, so I put on some sneakers and prepared for a hike and a chat with Jesus at a nearby park. It started out well enough, but eventually, I was faced with so many water-logged trails that I had no choice but to walk through the muck. It was at this moment that my emotions got the best of me. Not only weren’t things working out the way I thought they should, but now I was wet and covered in mud. I remember yelling, “This is absurd!” in the middle of the woods as I loudly asked the Lord why He would bring me to Virginia Beach only for me to continually struggle. I wanted desperately to leave and move back home.  

As tears rolled down my cheeks, I heard His still small voice, You are not going home. Trust Me. I have something good coming for you.  

Later that day, as I was reading, Psalm 89 was just the reminder I needed to trust Him.  

O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O LORD? You are entirely faithful. (Psalm 89:8 NLT)

I realized I could trust in the Lord to come through for me because He has before, and He will again. Two weeks later, God brought new opportunities to me, and I finally began to see the fruits of my obedience to Him. Not only did the Lord provide the opportunity for me to work for CBN, but it was through working at CBN that I also met the man I would later marry. What the Lord provided for me wasn’t what I expected, but it was indeed good.

Friend, God is entirely faithful, and He is always good. Whatever you are facing right now, trust Him to come through for you. God will take care of you because you are precious to Him, and He loves you very much.  

Father God, thank You for Your faithfulness and your goodness. I can trust You to come through for me because it’s who You are. Lord, You know what I am facing right now. Help me to see Your hand upon my life. Strengthen me and revive me through the truth in Your Word. I choose to trust in You today because You are entirely faithful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.  

I will sing of the LORD’s unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness. Your unfailing love will last forever. Your faithfulness is as enduring as the heavens. (Psalm 89:1-2) 


Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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About The Author

Jessica Teed

Jessica serves as Program Communications Manager for CBN’s Operation Blessing and has been with CBN since 2015. She lives in Virginia Beach where she enjoys collecting shells and sea glass on her early morning walks on the beach. Jessica also enjoys weaving, playing the guitar, and leading worship at her church.

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