Tools You Need to be Prosperous
Dean Scallan, half of the country duo Branch and Dean, co-wrote and sings a hit song called ‘The Dash”. He says that one little line, seen between the years on gravestones, represents an entire lifetime.
“It's what you're going to do with that dash that matters,” says Dean. “That's what matters. I'm going to spend my dash trying to help people, and I'm going to spend my dash serving God because there is no better way.”
Dean moved to Nashville 16 years ago to start his career in the music business. Back then, when he’d take a break from writing songs, he would sometimes watch TV.
The only program I really got was CBN, on one of the three channels I got. I give to CBN because there's been some of those times of despair where I had nowhere else to turn and you know, I wanted to get as close to God as i could and CBN was a source for that. So anybody that preaches Jesus is someone I want to support.”
Dean struggled to make ends meet during during those first few years in Nashville, but he continued to tithe.
“It was so hard here. We had good things going on, but just the money wasn't coming like it should. And I just said, ‘All right, God. I mean, I'm down to fumes here.’ So i did the only thing I knew to do. I put it all in the plate.”
After he gave to his church, a family member had heard that Dean was in need, and decided to help him out.
“And the next week I got a check for 20 grand, and it just started escalating from there.”
Dean has continued to tithe faithfully over the years. Recently, he became a member of CBN’s founder’s club.
“And the more I've ever given, the more He's always come back. Tithing is a measure of faith and it's about, it is about believing that God can give you the tools you need to be prosperous. I believe that.”
In addition to being a writer and performer, Dean also produces for other artists at his company, Straight Shooter Music.
“I'm so happy about it. And I wake up every day loving what I do. And trying to be better. And I do that to glorify God, because He's given me everything.”
As God has blessed Dean, he, in turn, gives to others.
“For people out there who are trying, who are wondering if they should give, if what does it all mean? Try God, that’s all. That’s my challenge to you right now, is try it. I say try to have some faith and try God. Try giving.”