Going from Ordinary to Extraordinary!
Honoring God through giving has been a priority for Elisa Vasquez since she was young. She says her mother instilled a belief in God’s provision.
“She not only gave her tithes, but she also gave of herself. And that’s how she taught us. If you gave God what belonged to him, that you would be blessed, and I have seen that in my life throughout the years as I followed her instruction.”
Elisa had a successful career with a leading airline company and made a decent salary. With each advancement, her earnings increased and so did her giving.
“I started off as a reservationist in sales and then from there, I was promoted in the executive offices as an administrative assistant for the senior vice president. Every time I moved, there was a promotion, and an increase in salary.”
“God’s voice would say to me, ‘I need your paycheck today,’ and I would just say to him, ‘okay Lord, tell me where I should send it.’ And he would put people in my heart.”
Then came a test. After 17 years in the airline industry God called Elisa to full-time ministry. She says it was hard for her to accept.
“I struggled with it, but God knows how to nudge you. He kept giving me the verse of scripture, ‘I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers and the desert.’ I cried. I was sitting and crying, and I said, ‘Lord, there are no rivers in the desert.’ I heard this voice that said, ‘but I will make a way where there is no way.’”
Despite her reluctance, Elisa chose to follow God’s direction. She started writing articles for the Christian magazine, Guidepost. She also wrote publications and bulletins for churches, and taught Bible studies.
“My passion is to get people into the Word so that they could understand it for themselves, and I love to teach people that are hungry for the Word.”
Even with a cut in pay, she continued to tithe and give to people in need.
“I’ve had experiences where I’ve been shopping and I’m getting in my car and I hear God’s voice in my spirit say, ‘get out of the car. Go to that homeless person and sit with him.’ I always see God’s hand in everything.”
Then, Elisa says God told her to do even more.
“I felt very strongly that God said, ‘give everything that you have in your checking account. Send it to this ministry.’ I said, ‘I’m going to give the money and I’m going to trust you to provide my rent.’ I give God not only a tithe but offerings.”
A few days later, Elisa’s former employer mailed her a refund check from a closed account for $2,500.
“I was shocked! I was elated. I didn’t know that I was going to get that check. But that’s how God works. He’s faithful to his promises, but we really need to trust in him. My favorite hymn is Great is Thy Faithfulness. I want to be intentional about obeying him.”
Over the years, Elisa continued to give to CBN and became a 1000 Club member.
“Operation Blessing, they are so amazing. They’re always ready to go where there’s a disaster to help struggling families. Orphan’s Promise. They give them a place to stay.”
Throughout her life, God has provided. Elisa received a scholarship to attend Regent University where she earned a degree in theology. Today, Elisa continues to do what she’s done from the beginning – give.
“If you follow God’s instructions, you’ll be blessed. If you give, he’ll give back to you. I do what he tells me to do. I see the results and it keeps me joyful!”
Psalm 41:1 says, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the LORD will deliver Him in time of trouble.” When you partner with CBN, you do more than just give to the poor. You provide hope and the love of Christ through life-giving surgeries, food and clothing programs, humanitarian aid, and so much more! Become a CBN partner, and help transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ! Join us now!