The Consequences of Compromise
Ancient Israel offers a powerful lesson for modern America.
God told the Israelites if they kept His word He'd give them complete victory over their enemies. So Joshua and his troops marched into the Promised Land and defeated 31 kings!
But the next generation -- lacking the obedience and zeal of their fathers -- failed to drive out the enemy. Thinking the Canaanites weren't really so bad, Israel compromised and joined them in alliances, marriages and worshiping false gods.
A century later, the Philistines who should have been subdued are now in charge, with the Israelites doing forced labor in their own land! These are the tragic consequences of disobeying God's commands.
Now fast-forward 3,000 years. Our forefathers dedicated America to the glory of God and for spreading the Gospel. The first Congress opened with a three-hour prayer meeting. The initial chief justice of the Supreme Court was also president of the American Bible Society. Every Sunday, the Capitol building was filled with people worshiping God!
If Christians had continued to exercise their God-given authority, our land today would not be plagued with abortion, drugs, violence and flagrant sexual deviance.
We must take spiritual authority over the evil influences which try to push God's Word out of the public arena. It's not too late to repent for our complacency, reaffirm our faith and rekindle our commitment to following His commands -- but we must do it now!