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How To Fight Your Battles

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It might surprise people familiar with Jane and her family’s longstanding ministry that she didn't grow up in the church.  However, she did sense God’s presence at various times in her youth. “When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at the age of fourteen, I had a deep sense of divine destiny within me that there would be more to my life than going to college, getting married, and having a career,” she remembers. 

By 1978, Jane was a 16-year-old who wanted to know God’s plan for her life.  As she sat in her room one day, she prayed and then waited on God, not knowing what to expect.  She says she was amazed when she heard His Spirit speak to her.  What He communicated, Jane says, was that His plans for her were not the plans she’d made for herself: “Instead of going to that (secular) college, I am going to send you to Bible college.

When you get there, you are going to meet a man and you will get married young.  I will send you to the nations of the earth.  Sometimes he will preach and sometimes you will preach because I'm going to make you a team in ministry."  She looks back at it as a calling to be a “Deborah-like” leader in ministry.  

Jane attended Bible College, met and married Tom Hamon, son of Christian International Ministries founder, Dr. Bill Hamon, and entered ministry. God led her into ministry, and she says His leading has challenged, comforted, and instructed her along the path of destiny.  "I longed to impact history, not for my name or fame, but that God would be glorified, souls would be saved, women would be empowered and even nations could be transformed by the power of God,” she says.


After decades of ministry, Jane has watched countless others endure spiritual attacks, oblivious that it’s even happening.  With a desire to open our eyes to the thief who is robbing us, Jane decided to write her latest book, Confronting the Thief. The focus of the book is helping readers discern the truth, overcome loss, and reclaim what has been taken from them. Sadly, Jane says that so many believe the trials and hardships of life are normal.  She calls it the “just life” mentality. 

The Bible specifically warns us to “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8, ESV). 

Jane shares practical advice to:
1.    Identify the Enemy's Tactics: Hamon outlines how the "enemy" attempts to steal, kill, and destroy your life.
2.    Enjoy Restoration and Recovery: Giving guidance on how to move from feeling like a victim to becoming victorious over life's challenges.
3.    Take Practical Steps to Reverse the Damage: With biblical teachings, prophetic insights, and practical decrees and prayers, Jane shares how          to move from a passive approach to an aggressive approach—confronting the enemy and taking back what he’s stolen from you.  


For more Information on Jane Hamon click the Link 


Author, Latest: Confronting the Thief, (Chosen Books, 2024) / Senior Leader, with her husband, Tom, of Vision Church at Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida / Prophetic voice, teacher, pastor, and sought-after speaker / Jane and Tom have three grown children and seven grandchildren.

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About The Author

Angell Vasko

Angell Vasko joined CBN in 1999. Acting as Floor Producer and Guest Coordinating Producer for The 700 Club, Angell briefs the cohosts before the live show and acts as a liaison between the control room and show talent during the broadcast.