He Can Find You
"Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." ---
Read It:
By the time Jesus came to the disciples in their trial, it was late -- and dark. But He came right on time with the word they needed. That's what He wants to do for you, too. Let me show you three ways Christ can encourage you in your trials.
First, because Jesus is God, He knows exactly where you are, and He can find you even in the dark. By now the disciples had been out in the boat about twelve hours without Jesus. So it wasn't when the storm hit that Jesus showed up, but He did show up. He may not have come when they wished He would, but He came on time.
Have you ever been in the middle of a trial and wondered where Jesus was? You've been out there on the stormy sea fighting for your life, and no Jesus. No problem -- at least not for Him. He'll arrive on time.
Second, remember that what you see is not necessarily all there is. What the disciples thought was a "sho-nuff" serious problem, a ghost coming out to scare them, turned out to be their salvation in the Person of Jesus.
The very thing that could be looking like the worst possible problem for you may be the thing the Savior uses to deliver you. What you may see as a source of great fear may be God's way of saying, "Take courage." Trials have a way of clouding your vision so that you may not really be seeing what you think you're seeing. That's why you must always look for Christ.
A third source of encouragement in trials is Jesus' authoritative word, "Do not be afraid." See, He did not change the disciples' circumstance. He changed them. He did not deal with what they were facing on the outside. He first calmed them down on the inside.
Jesus will do the same for you in your trials. Your circumstances are no sweat for Him. He can walk right over the top of your storm, because He's bigger than your problem. He wants you to learn that you can face the enemy on the outside because Jesus is with you on the inside.
Think About It
Jesus has you on His radar screen, and He will come just when you need Him. And He has no problem getting to you.
Excerpt from Time to Get Serious by Tony Evans, copyright © 1995. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187.