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Unlocking The Untapped Potential of The Holy Spirit

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Growing up, Robert went to church occasionally on Christmas Eve and Easter. “By the time I was in my early teens I had gone through some stuff. I was angry, rebellious, and if someone mentioned God or the Bible to me, I made it clear I had zero interest,” shares Robert. For most of his adult life, he aggressively mocked and persecuted Christians. 

In 2002, Robert had an encounter that changed his belief about God. He was thirty-nine, semi-retired, and living in the woods in Montana. He had moved there to get away from everything including a successful career in advertising. During the long winters, his wood burning stove required lots of firewood for him to stay warm. So, he spent a considerable amount of time splitting wood which kept him busy as he tried to work out decades of anger and frustrations. Somedays he would split wood until he was too worn out to feel anything. One day, he had been chopping wood so long that his arms felt rubbery. Exhausted, he plopped down into a snowdrift. It got very quiet, and a holy hush enveloped him. He could hear the Lord speaking directly to his heart, “I refuse not to love you.” Robert was surprised that the God he had mocked for so many years expressed love for him. In that moment, Robert brought God every mean, selfish, wicked, and arrogant thing he had ever done. 

However, to each thing he brought up, God continued to refuse not to love him. For the first time in his life, Robert felt loved and accepted. He says, “It undid me.” On that day, Christ declared the fullness of His love and goodness to Robert. He realized it was not about what he was worthy of or had earned. It was all about Him.

A few months later, Robert was asked to be part of a miracle crusade in Ethiopia. Over the course of ten days, he saw amazing wonders take place…tumors disappeared, blind eyes were opened, the deaf could hear again and a demon possessed girl got set free. Robert says, “The miraculous things I saw in Ethiopia when I prayed did not happen because as a new Christian, I had figured out some super big secret on how to pray extra powerful prayers. It was all by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 


God created you with a plan and purpose. Robert shares, “You are here to release Heaven into the earth, to advance the Kingdom of God, to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and more.” You cannot do these things in your own might, but rather with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you to see what you have been given, and to help you start moving in it. Robert shares the following realms of power available to you in Christ:

• Power of faith - is how you access everything of the Kingdom here on earth and how you access every realm of power. Faith is more than a belief, it is also a substance. Robert says, “Faith brings forth what you know is already yours.” He gives the example of a tub of Legos. As a kid whenever he would pull them out from under his bed, he could build anything he wanted. Block by block the Legos made whatever he could see in his imagination tangible. They became real. The substance of faith works the same way. 

• Power to work miracles – as Christians, we have no trouble believing that Christ performed miracles, but can sometimes wrestle with the idea that in Him we are to work miracles too. Robert recalls seeing 

his first miracle in 2003. He was attending a conference, and the speaker prayed for a man with a metal rod in his arm. When the speaker was done praying for him, there was gray metallic powder on the ground and the man could no longer feel the rod in his arm. Just as Paul said in First Corinthian 12, “We have been given Holy Spirit power for the working of miracles.” 

• Power of unity – the enemy knows we are more powerful together than apart. When disagreements arise, it is important to work through them and be undivided. More importantly, make sure you refuse offense. 

• Power to shift atmosphere – as believers we can influence and affect atmospheres here on earth. Robert recalls being on a flight that was experiencing heavy turbulence. He asked God if He would do something about it. To his surprise, God replied, “You do it.” Quietly, Robert began to pray and spoke to the storm of the air commanding the wind causing the turbulence to be still. Almost immediately, the rough air smoothed out. The atmosphere had shifted because of Christ. 

• Power of tongues – strengthens and accelerates us in the things of the Spirit. When Robert had been a believer for about six months he had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit. He had committed to praying in tongues 30 minutes a day for 40 days. Shortly after, Robert’s life radically changed. The Lord called him into full time ministry, and he connected with two of the most important people in his life – Ron and Patricia King who became his spiritual mentors. He began working with their ministry and eventually launched the USA arm of their organization. 

• Power of giving thanks – opens the floodgates of God’s goodness. Twelve years ago, Robert had mysterious and debilitating health challenges. The doctors were baffled…none of the treatments or procedures he had been given helped. Discouraged, he cried out to God. Robert shares, “He felt the Lord invite him to begin thanking Him for the strength he did have in his body.” As he thanked the Lord, the more health and vitality he regained gradually. Today he is healthy and strong. 


As you step out into what you were designed to do Robert encourages you to remember who you are in Christ. Next, cultivate the gifts of the Spirit in your life. There is no better way to get more seasoned in the realms of power than by moving in them. Don’t get overwhelmed, focus on one realm of power at a time. Then, as you become confident in that realm add another one. After that, establish a small faith circle (family members, friends, etc.) who will celebrate with you when they see God move through you as well as encourage you if things don’t always go the way you expect. Finally, don’t compare yourself to others…what you do will look different from what others are called to do.


To learn more about Robert Hotchkin, click the link! And to discover his latest project, Men on the Frontlines, click the link as well!


Author, Realms of Power: Operating in Untapped Dimensions of Holy Spirit Power, (Destiny Image Publishers, 2022); Minister; Speaker; Revivalist; Founder of Men on the Frontlines, Core leader of Patricia King Ministires; Host of the Heroes Arise broadcast; Regular guest and co-host on GodTV’s Supernatural Life; Married to Yu-Ree 

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