Is Gay OK?
“The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits….” I Timothy 4:1
I was watching the News the other night and it was reporting that the state of Iowa became the third state in the country to legalize gay marriages. The first thought that attacked my mind was “Maybe being gay is okay.” I then found myself being “drawn” to the images on the TV of excited gay couples waiting to get married. The very next morning in my newspaper, there was a picture of a same sex couple kissing and an article on this breaking news. I immediately thought about a blog written by Iromeo and how he had made life choices not to look at certain videos on Youtube, shows on TV, and even having to turn his head in a class he was taking that was showing inappropriate material. Our society is being inundated with ungodly sexual material which is desensitizing our consciences. We must follow Iromeo’s lead and take offensive actions and guard our hearts and minds!
I do not want to be deceived and abandon my faith. I want to prepare now by deciding how I will act when I face temptations of public homosexual images and news reports. These attacks on our minds and hearts are only going to increase and get worse in the future. Resistance to temptation is easier if our decision has already been made and we do not wait to see what happens when we are tempted. Homosexuality is not a healthy way of life and our society is trying to make it that way. If we are not careful we can be drawn like magnets into this worldly view. Christians who struggle with same sex attractions will become hopeless and go back into the lifestyle. Christians who do not struggle will be deceived and want to support those who do live in the homosexual lifestyle and believe it is a good way of life. Churches will even start to allow and support these relationships in their church.
O God prepare our hearts and minds for the assault on our souls! Help us realize the Kingdom Power we have inside of us when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us.
Here are three suggestions on fighting the enemy:
1.) Stay grounded in the word and praise Him. Want2befree88 has recommended many songs. I would go back and reread some of Want2befree88’s previous blogs and use these songs as weapons against satan. He cannot inhabit the praises of God’s people.
2.) Choose life! Make decisions ahead of time not to entertain anything that will draw you into the lies of the enemy. Also, choose to forgive. Unforgivness is a strong foothold for Satan. Trust God to be a good and righteous judge.
3.) Put people around you for support and accountability. None of us can fight this battle alone. We can encourage each other, pray for each other, and speak into each others lives when we are heading in the wrong direction. If we keep our struggles in the dark and satan can isolate us, then we are vulnerable and he will assault our minds with lies.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is a wellspring of life.”
Steve Green writes a song called Guard Your Heart. Listen to a few verses:
Guard your heart, Guard your heart,
Don’t trade it for treasure, Don’t give it away
Guard your heart, Guard your heart,
As a payment for pleasure, it’s a high price to pay
For a soul that remains sincere, With a conscience clear
Guard your heart
The human heart is easily swayed, And often betrayed
At the hand of emotion, We dare not leave the outcome to chance
We must choose in advance, Or live in such tragedy
Guard your heart
Continue to share your stories, so we can support and pray for each other. Do not give up the race. We are all in this together and we will cross the finish line, Victors in Christ Jesus. Your struggles and encouragement for each other has been powerful and a huge blow to the enemy! God bless you all!!!
Redeemed, encouraged, and blessed by your blogs!
Sydney Johnson