Flames of Revival: Pentecost
An empty cross-and a risen Savior. In the first chapter of the book of Acts, we find 120 bewildered believers gathered together in prayer. Jesus' promise of the power of the Holy Spirit still echoed in their hearts. They waited. On the day of Pentecost, Christ's words came true. With a strong wind and tongues of fire the disciples were instantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Suddenly this band of confused believers was transformed into world changers. The disciples began speaking in strange tongues drawing a crowd of amazed Jews who each heard his own language. Peter, once the rugged fisherman, was now Peter the bold evangelist. Recently, Scott Ross spoke with Dr. Elmer Towns, co-author of the book, "The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever," to get a grasp of how the events of Pentecost changed forever the lives of the disciples and of the world. Scott Ross: Define the word revival? Dr. Elmer Towns: Revival is the presence of God. When the Bible says, "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,' it is God pouring Himself on his people -- end of sentence. That's it now. There are many other things. Revival is sometimes when souls get saved. Revival is when there is great repentance. Revival is when the land is healed or when there is a great change in culture. But revival is when God is there. So Pentecost is the fountainhead; it's the beginning. And what happened then was that the Holy Spirit was there and people were getting saved. God was not in the building; He was in the street. People were in the Word of God. They were witnessing everywhere. There were signs and wonders and there was a manifestation of God within the life of the people. That was revival. Scott Ross: The flames of revival that were started on the day of Pentecost are still burning today. Hearts continue to be set ablaze as believers seek a closer walk with Jesus Christ. Dr. Elmer Towns: What happened at Pentecost can still happen again and again and again. 'If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways,' then God says, 'I will hear, answer,' --and then I love the last part -- 'heal their land.' That's revival. So I believe God can do it again. |