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A Chance to Save My Granddaughter and Business

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Drusilla takes care of her granddaughter, Mary, after her mother abandoned her at the age of two.

“My daughter had Mary while she was still in high school.” Drusilla started. “She could not bear the weight of responsibility. One time, she was ready to sell Mary, then later she disappeared. Now I take care of her. I think of her more like a daughter than a grandchild. I love her very much. Everywhere I go, she goes. We are inseparable.” 

Drusilla runs a small business selling sweet potatoes just outside their home in Nairobi, Kenya. She doesn’t make enough to even pay for Mary to go to school.

“The little profit I make is for feeding and paying rent. Sometimes we have no food. I have no one to help me with Mary. When I work, she plays nearby, but sometimes she wonders off and I have to leave everything to look for her. One time, she was almost hit by a car. I felt so bad. At times, I would just cry.” She explains. 

“One of my friends saw Mary running in the streets and suggested that I take her to a nearby school and ask for assistance.”

The school is supported by Orphan’s Promise, so they told her that Mary could attend for free and receive much more than a basic education.
When I visited, I saw exactly what they meant.  

“We are hearing the sound of lots of children talking and laughing and having fun together. This is a place of joy. It’s Touch of Love ministries supported by Orphan’s Promise, right in the heart of one of the slums here in Nairobi. Our support started with nine and today there are two hundred and thirty-one children here that are beautiful just like my friend Mary. She’s five years old she’s in class PP1. When children come to this place they have two meals a day. They are educated and it’s a safe place for them to be so we’re happy to support this place.” Terry explained.

“What I like most about this school is to play. I like coming to school to learn new things. We learn English and Swahili and I like singing with my friends. When I come here, I am never hungry, because we eat good food. We are taught to pray to God every day, and I thank God I am here.” Drusilla’s granddaughter, Mary expressed. 

“When Mary is at school, I know she’s at peace. I thank God that Mary is going to school. May you have a long life for opening your doors to my grandchild.” Drusilla graciously notes. 

“I love this school. Thank you for feeding me, and for educating me. I love you all!” Mary finishes. 

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