Would You Drink from a Dirty Puddle?
Nine-year-old Ablian (Ab-lee-an) and her family have always struggled to find clean water to drink. When it rains, they collect water in buckets. There is also a ditch that collects water for when the buckets are empty.
“We have to drink the dirty rainwater,” Ablian admitted. “The water in the hole in the ground is yellow. It smells bad and is oily.”
Ablian’s family used the water for everything: cooking, bathing, dishes and drinking.
“I remember one day after drinking it I got a stomach ache and diarrhea,” she told us.
“I got a rash on my skin too. But we had no choice. We had to keep drinking that water.”
During dry season, finding water was more challenging. They had to look for puddles in the forest or walk miles to the river—which was also unsafe to drink.
Albian’s mother talked with us, too. “The river water is murky. Sometime there are dead animals in it. I would cry and pray to God because I was so exhausted when we had to bring water from the river.”
Then, thanks to YOU, Operation Blessing built a water harvesting system for Ablian and her family. Rainwater is collected and purified with chlorine in a 500-gallon tank.
It is then safe for drinking, bathing and cooking.
“I am so thankful that Operation Blessing came and gave us clean water,” Albian’s mom told us. “I said ‘God thank you for hearing my cry for help.’”
And Ablian told us that the water is cool, clear and refreshing to drink.
“It is great to have CLEAN water to drink so close to our house! Thank you so much to the people who helped us!”
What a beautiful example of how CBN partners share the love of Jesus around the world with people in need! If you’re not yet a partner, we invite you to join us today. Help bring God’s love through initiatives like clean water wells, medical missions, feeding programs, and so much more—all in the name of Jesus! Join us today and become a part of what God’s doing through CBN partners.