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$10,000 in Clean-Up Costs!

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When a hurricane hit the town of Brazoria, Texas it left thousands without food, gasoline and power.  People like Kymberly Bagwell.  “The night of the hurricane, we all slept in the same room because I am mama bear and nervous about my kids,” she told us. “I came outside to check things out, it took my breath away. I mean, it was devastating.”

Thankfully their house was spared but everything else on their property was upended. A large shed was ripped from its foundation by a toppled tree along with other very large trees that had been downed. 

“I knew it was going to be a process to get everything back to normal, knowing that this was going to take so long to clean up,” Kimberly noted.  “My husband got called back into work. He's working 50 hours a week. So, for us to be able to get our yard back to the way it was, I knew it would take forever.”  

To make matters worse, the family’s insurance didn’t cover any of the clean-up, which was estimated to be upwards of $10,000! “I was really stressing on how I was going to get this taken care of and cleaned up.”

Then everything changed when Kymberly met Operation Blessing at First Baptist Church of Brazoria. “They were offering help for people with their yard,” she said. “Operation Blessing, the help that we are getting is amazing!”

Operation Blessing staff and volunteers came, cut and removed trees and cleaned up the debris. “All the guys in the blue that you see, they are in my yard helping me, and cleaning my yard up,” exclaimed Kymberly. “And it was so fast too, whenever I reached out to them, and it was not even the next day they called and they showed up.”

Thanks to you Operation Blessing’s Disaster relief team was able to help as soon as the hurricane it.  And, we were able to pray with Kymberly, who credits God for their safety and for the quick answer with the help she needed.

“God is here with us always, and you all are showing that through the work you do,” she said. “So I think it’s amazing! I’m very thankful for anyone that chooses to donate to Operation Blessing, for the hard work that they do.”

What a beautiful example of how CBN partners share the love of Jesus around the world with people in need! If you’re not yet a partner, we invite you to join us today. Help bring God’s love through initiatives like clean water wells, medical missions, feeding programs, and so much more—all in the name of Jesus! Join us today and become a part of what God’s doing through CBN partners.

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About The Author

Ken Hulme

CBN International Managing Director for The 700 Club | Ken's been telling stories as a producer and writer for nearly 40 years. Currently, he manages and mentors media teams based in countries worldwide that provide stories about the work of CBN, Operation Blessing, and Orphan’s Promise for The 700 Club and other media platforms. He is married with four adult children and nine grandchildren.