You Can Find Financial Freedom
America, the home of overspending and the land of out of control credit card debit. Each year, thousands of Americans find themselves in a web of consumer debit. For many, living way beyond their means is a way of life.
"After we got married, things started falling apart financially," Ron says. "Within a really short period of time, we had our first bill come due just on this side of six figures. We handled that one all right, but then as they started mounting up, actually we had over a half a million dollars worth of debt. This is a real hard way to start a marriage."
"Neither one of us had been in debt when we came into the marriage," Susan explains, "so that over our heads was really tough. I can remember times when we were really crying out to the Lord, like, what can happen next?"
At what would be a breaking point for most marriages, Ron and Susan Johnson faced losing everything. They did the only thing they knew to do as Christians: They turned to God for wisdom.
"We had become worldly and sophisticated in our own minds, and it was clear that God wanted to get us back into a relationship with Him of trust," Ron recalls. "He wanted to teach us that our own resources are not going to cut it, because they can go in such a short time that it is amazing."
"Then He gave us the very word that we were self-sufficient and that was a sin in His eyes and that He did not want us to be that way," Susan remembers. "He wanted us to be on His economy relying on Him."
The Johnsons turned to one source that they trusted: They turned to The 700 Club. It was here that they would get their answer.
"We saw on The 700 Club a conference advertised, so that spring, I said to Ron, 'We need to go down and get some real ministry,' " says Susan. "That first conference was Jack Hayford. He talked a lot about spiritual warfare, your gifts, and praying in your spiritual language. We came home really inspired to really dig in."
As the Johnsons began to apply what they were learning to their lives, especially their financial problems, they were amazed. They began to realize their need to totally depend on God for their finances and not themselves.
"It actually drew us closer together," says Ron. "It actually drew us closer to the Lord, because when you cant depend on your on resources and your resources are being exhausted on a daily basis, you need to draw — you know, if you are born again and have any sense at all, you will grow closer to the Lord."
The Johnsons also learned through the CBN conferences and teaching tapes that this was a battle they didn't have to face alone.
"It became clear cut in our lives that we are in a battle and that God is not against you, but Satan is bringing these things against you and God wants to deliver you from these things," Ron explains.
"It was like He was proving, 'See that? You think that you are so self-sufficient. When I am blessing you, you are being even more blessed then you were before,' " Susan says.
The road to financial freedom took a little over three years, but it was a journey that Ron and Susan Johnson dont regret. They know that now they are experiencing Gods best. Looking back, they are grateful for the part that CBN played in their lives. They are excited to be able to bless others through the ministry that blessed them.
"I think CBN is a resource, and I think it is a resource that you can draw upon on a consistent basis, whether you go there for a conference or whether you see the show on TV," Ron states. "It is a continuous educational tool, and it is definitely a resource for us as believers.
"We are thankful to be involved and able to participate in the amount of giving we are now. We actually have a goal that is pretty high, but we would like to give that amount in one year. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord is going to fulfill that by bringing income in so that we can be a channel. It is so much fun to be a part of Gods plan."
Join Ron and Susan in that plan, touching the world with the word of God and the love of Jesus Christ. Through your partnership with CBN, you will help feed hunger children here in America and around the world, give practical teaching and biblical answers through The 700 Club broadcast, and bring relief to those with physical and spiritual needs. Please join today.