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WWGE: What Would God Eat?

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For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of the light...( ).
When it comes to weight loss and our bodies, we tend to forget that God has a plan for us and how we should live. Rather than diet and become obsessed with counting calories, points, and weighing your body, why not stop before eating something and ask yourself as one "living as a child of the light," how God would want me to treat my body? Is this how God would live?
Our modern lives are filled with high-calorie unhealthy foods, sedentary lifestyles, and excess of just about everything--except perhaps trust in God to help us get healthier! I encourage you to simply live as God would want you to. I don't think God would want you to put unhealthy foods in your body and gain so much weight that it hinders your mobility and quality of life.
Did you know there are now more than 2 MILLION people in the U.S. who are considered "Super Obese"? That means 2 million people weight MORE THAN 500 pounds! Surely they can't be living as children of the light. A shut-in lifestyle, unable to run and play, to go to can that possibly be what God intended?
You may only be dealing with 10 pounds, or 50 that you want to lose, but if you don't take charge of it now and do something about it, the 15 million morbidly obese people are on their way to "super" obesity and the 32 percent who are simply overweight will cross over to the morbidity rankings.
We have to do something now to turn this dangerous trend around. I think this Scripture says it perfectly: LIVE as children of the light.
I know God wants us to eat a moderate amount of healthful and nutritious foods -- the foods He created for us, not what McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Kraft, and Kelloggs came up with! If it is grown, you can eat it. If it is processed, you are better off considering it 'dark' food and stay in the light. WWGE -- What Would God Eat?!

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