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Songs of Healing

Share This article CINDY DIANE: Everybody has to be perfect, look perfect, act perfect. I wanted to be accepted and thought I had to look a certain way, especially with the group of people I was running with in the entertainment industry. So I was bulimic for over seven years.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Christian recording artist Cindy Diane has just released her national debut album. But her love of singing and her battle with bulimia both began at an early age.

CINDY DIANE: I fell in love with music when I was about five years old. I went to see Barbra Streisand in Funny Girl and then walked out of the theater and said to my mom, 'I want to be her. This is what I want to do.'

LISA RYAN (reporting): Cindy sought any opportunity to sing. After college she eventually made her way to California. She soon landed gigs in some of L.A.'s most famous nightclubs.

LISA RYAN: During that same time when you were out here in Los Angeles trying to make it big, you had to come to grips with the fact that you were struggling with an eating disorder.

CINDY DIANE: Right. I think just stemming from my childhood. I was eleven months younger than my sister, so I think probably just my lineup in being in the family. My dad directed his attention on my sister. I think just having his focus on her and they bonded so they had a tighter relationship growing up. I was always vying for his attention and never seeming to get it.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Cindys deliverance from the disease came on a mission trip when she met a pastor in Mexico.

CINDY DIANE: He just read my mail. I never told anyone, but he knew. God showed him into my heart, and he said, 'Can you tell me whats going on with you?' And for the first time I said, 'Im bulimic.' He said, 'Do you want to be free?' I said, 'Yes!' so he prayed for me and I was totally delivered.

LISA RYAN: To make things worse during this season of your life, this good little Christian girl finds herself pregnant. What did you do?

Cindy DianeCINDY DIANE: I think I just panicked when I found out I was pregnant. How could I tell anyone? I was supposed to be a Christian girl, and I knew what the right thing to do was. I had no excuses. I had a million excuses at that time in my head and justification as to why it was OK to get an abortion. To top it off, I went to this place and I asked the nurse there, 'So right now, in my body, what is this?' I knew that I wanted to confirm it. I think I was looking for someone to say, 'Dont do it. ' The nurse said, 'Oh, its just a mass of flesh,' and I went, 'Yeah, thats right.' I went ahead and had the abortion. I was almost three months pregnant.

LISA RYAN: How long did it take until you dealt with that?


LISA RYAN: Because that doesnt go away.

CINDY DIANE: No it doesnt go away. Finally, I repented, asked God to please forgive me. That is when He could actually begin the healing process.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Now Cindy is sharing Gods healing through her love of music.

CINDY DIANE: This CD Face to Face is about intimacy and relationship. I believe when you listen to it, it will take you from the outer court, going into the courtroom, going in the throne room of God, to where you end up being at His face as His child.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Today Cindy is passionate about the power of love and forgiveness. She often has the opportunity to speak and sing at womens conferences sharing her story of restoration with other women.

CINDY DIANE: If I can help them by sharing my heart and saying, 'I went through this, but look what God can do for you. He can help you to overcome anything.' Sometimes it just seems so impossible, but with God, all things are possible.

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