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Ron Williams: 'Faith and Fat Loss'

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Ron was abandoned by his parents at his babysitter’s house when he was three. The family already had eight boys so their was much resentment on the family’s part. 

“They were verbally abusive,” Ron said. 

He was also sexually molested and raped from the age of three until he was 12. Ron hated God while he was growing up and experienced eating disorders (gluttony). 

“On the outside, I appeared to be normal, but on the inside the pain controlled who I was and how I viewed life,” Ron said. 

Sports became an outlet for Ron and he was obsessed with being the best. At 18, Ron enlisted in the military and began competing in international sports events for the military including boxing, football, swimming and track. He was also introduced to the sport of bodybuilding and began winning regional, national and world championships. In 1988, Ron won his first Natural Mr. Universe title.

Ron’s life was still full of pain. However, when he was 28, Ron gave his life to the Lord. His deliverance from what he calls “soul wounds” wasn’t instantaneous. Ron said that soul wounds are deeply painful and personal wounds.

“I had to experience every single step,” Ron said.

When he met and fell in love with Tonja, Ron realized that falling in love with her made him deal with all of his emotions. 

“There have been extreme highs and extreme lows,” he said.

Ron Williams and familyThey have been married for three years and have 10 children altogether.

“Soul wounds contribute to being overweight,” Ron said, who has scientifically researched and biblically studied the relationship between nutrition, Scripture, exercise and prayer for over 25 years. He has taught these on a college level at the Professional Fitness Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada and the Utah Career College. 

“More importantly, I have seen the results of physical and spiritual transformation in my own life,” he said.

Simply put, soul wounds cause a person to not only eat comfort foods but also cause stress. Stress causes the body to release cortisol which creates belly fat. Ron says there are scriptures that tell us about God’s promises concerning every area of our lives and the necessary tools to decrease body fat permanently. If you are overweight and have tried to lose body fat and are unable, Ron says it could be that something is broken. In those cases, we must take our broken circumstance to God and have confidence that He can fix it. When it comes to fat loss, we can no longer settle for temporary change; we need a life transformation for lasting results.


Ron’s Faith and Fat Loss eating plan is designed for fat loss, not to get fit. There’s a difference: fitness programs are designed to increase athletic ability. Ron says you can send your body signals to burn fat around the clock, even while you sleep and eat. It is not a quick weight-loss program divided into two phases. Phase 1 will help you break old habits and create healthy new ones. Phase 2 is the lifestyle change designed to continue fat loss until your goals are reached.Ron Williams 

During the first 21 days (it takes 21 days to break old habits and form new ones), Ron says he commits four areas to God: eating, scripture, exercise and prayer, because losing body fat is more than reducing calorie intake. 

“Permanent fat loss is not normally just a physical problem,” he said. “This program combines the physical and the spiritual so that you can finally acquire permanent fat loss and transformation.”

There are three foundational principles to his program:  

  1. Eat five to six small meals each day
  2. Eat proper food combinations - never eat a carbohydrate alone because calories are too easily converted to fat; proper eating combinations include protein, essential fatty acid and carb
  3. Stop eating two hours prior to bed.

Ron has also researched the truth about water. He says all water is not created equal, and we should be drinking distilled water fortified with minerals. 

“The most important thing to do to detoxify the body and cleanse the cells of toxins and fat-causing chemicals is to drink pure water,” he said.

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