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Reeling in the Classics

Share This article For over a quarter of a century Christopher Parkening has been known as one of the worlds preeminent virtuosos of the classical guitar. Hes performed at the White House, the Grammy awards, Carnegie Hall, and on numerous television programs. And as Lisa Ryan discovered, his love for the guitar began at very early age.

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: I actually started playing the guitar at eleven years old with the inspiration of a cousin of mine. I loved the sound of the instrument. When I asked him about studying the guitar, he said, 'Youve got to do two things. First, start with classical guitar and get a good foundation in guitar and technique. Secondly,' he said, 'get the records of Andres Segovia. Hes the greatest guitarist in the world.'

LISA RYAN: By the age of 15 you were invited to study under the guitar master Andres Segovia. How did that change the course of your life?

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: I loved his beautiful sound and his musicianship. He really inspired me with the guitar. I studied with him in Spain and in America. Through the years we became friends, and for that I am very grateful.

LISA RYAN (reporting): At 19 Christopher signed with Capital Records and began a rigorous non-stop concert tour visiting cities around the world.

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: The touring life was not as glamorous as I thought it was going to be. The monotony of one concert after the next, the pressure of the concerts, the airplane travel, the loneness of the hotel rooms -- it just wasnt as glamorous as I thought it was going to be.

LISA RYAN: Then at age 30 you were at the height of your career. You walked away from it all. Why?

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: I was burned out with 90 concerts a year. I found a beautiful ranch and trout stream in the southwest part of Montana about 90 miles from Yellow Stone Park, and I moved up there from Los Angeles where I was raised. I made a call to my management at Capital Records and said, 'I found my ideal life. I dont care to play the guitar anymore.'

LISA RYAN (reporting): Fly-fishing became Christophers life. He went on to become the champion of the International Gold Cup Tournament -- the Wimbledon of fly-fishing.

Christopher ParkeningCHRISTOPHER PARKENING: That was by the grace of God. That was an exciting week I spent fly-fishing. These are very large fish. They are six feet long. This is the extreme sport of fly-fishing. You have to have 500 yards of backing on your reel. There have been stories of fighting with a fly rod that have exceeded ten/twelve hours in length. Its almost like the old man in the sea kind of story.

LISA RYAN: Your Montana hideaway sounds like heaven. Was retirement all that you imagined it to be?

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: I could fly-fish till my hearts content, but the amazing thing, Lisa, is about a year after I got everything that I thought would make me happy, there was this emptiness inside. I didnt know why.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Then a former neighbor invited Christopher to church where John MacArthur preached a sermon from Matthew 7.

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: When he spoke those words from the Bible, my whole life flashed in front of me. I thought, Thats me. I would stand before Christ and I would say, 'Lord, you know I was baptized when I was young, I went to church and read the Bible occasionally, and my parents told me that I was a Christian. I always thought that I was.' I realized that night that I wasnt a Christian at all. I believed these facts about Christ and that He would have said to me, 'Depart from Me. I never knew you. You never cared about the things of Christ. You never cared about being obedient to My commands. You never cared about glorifying Me with your life, with your music. All you cared about were your ranches and your trout streams.' So I gave my life to Christ for real that night. I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and my materialism and my selfishness, and by His grace alone He did forgive me that night. I believe it was that night that I became a true Christian.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Christopher soon realized that he needed to glorify God with his lifes work.

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: Somehow a career in fly-fishing for the Lord just wasnt going to cut it. I made a call to my management and to Capital Records and said, 'Id like to start playing the guitar again, but this time for a different purpose. That purpose would be to honor and glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.' That was the purpose.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Together, Christopher and his wife, Theresa, share their love for music and, yes, fly-fishing!

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: She loves the Lord with all her heart. She lifts me up constantly in prayer before concerts and afterwards. She even exhorts me from time to time, which I need. She even plays the guitar and does my sound checks for me. Im very proud to say she as well has become a very excellent fly fisherman. Shes caught some very large trout on a fly rod.

LISA RYAN: I understand you didnt even kiss her until you were engaged!

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: That is very true. Our pastors always said have a spiritual relationship and a short engagement.

LISA RYAN: Hallelujah! Good advice!

LISA RYAN (reporting): The fulfillment that eluded Christopher Parkening for so many years has at last been found, and the emptiness he once felt has gone forever.

CHRISTOPHER PARKENING: Fame and fortune, its not about that. Its about being the best that you can be and pursuing personal excellence. I think for the Christian, theres an even higher calling. That is to glorify God with our lives with whatever ability or talent youve been given.

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