My Analysis - The Economy Debate
Last night was the second to last GOP debate. It was on the campus of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire prides itself on being the "First in the Nation" Primary. The debate last night, sponsored by Bloomberg News and The Washington Post, was focused all about the economy.
It's the number one issue for New Hampshire voters. It's the number one issue for the nation.
Here's my instant analysis of the debate last night.
Mitt Romney = strong again
Rick Perry = didn't shine
Rick Santorum = engaging
Herman Cain = mad, 999
Michele Bachmann = who?
Jon Huntsman = funny
Newt Gingrich = hates Obama
Ron Paul = all about liberty
There weren't a lot of surprises. Rick Perry kind of needed a 'big night' to make up for some miss-steps in previous debates, but he didn't really have it.
I think Herman Cain owned the night, I'd love to check the transcript and see how many times 999 was mentioned.
Jon Huntsman actually got a lot of air time. Sometimes he was funny, but sometimes he was awkward, like when he brought up the Mormon thing. Awkward.
We have one more debate, next week, in Las Vegas. Then a presidential forum in Des Moines.
This field could and should be narrowing soon. Stay tuned.