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Little Miracle Morgan

Share This article Morgan Moeller was like any other eight-year old. She loved to run and play. She was very athletic. She was the star of her soccer team. She was the daughter that every daddy dreams of.

But in October 2001 all of that changed. She began throwing up and quickly dehydrated. Her mother, Cathy rushed her to the emergency room.

"By this time she could no longer see, she could no longer walk and Mike [father] carried her in," remembers Cathy. "She was breathing really fast, and we took her inside and took her up to the room."

Doctors immediately began running tests, and after hours of waiting Mike and Cathy learned that Morgan had juvenile diabetes.

"It was heartbreaking in one sense, and I remember looking at Mike and saying, 'You know what, it's Type 1 diabetes,' she recalls. "We can do this. They have insulin we will learn how to do everything. We can do this."

Then doctors gave them more bad news. Morgan was suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, a complication that occurs when diabetes has been left untreated. 

She was manifesting the most severe symptoms. She was having trouble breathing, and her heart rate was slowing down. Mike and Cathy knew they had to act quickly. Morgan’s brain began to swell, and she was put in a drug-induced coma. Doctors then told Mike and Cathy that Morgan had brain damage, and their little girl might not live.

"I dropped to my knees and cried, please Lord not tonight, not my little girl. Please don’t take my little girl," says Cathy.

Morgan made it through the night, but the bad reports continued.

"They said she would be blind. They told us she would never be able to walk. She would never be able to sit up. She would never have the feeding tube removed," says Cathy.

But the Moeller’s refused to give up on Morgan. They came together as a team and believed that Morgan would be able to walk down the aisle for her Aunt Angela's wedding, which was six months away.

Other Christians rallied around the family. A vast army of prayer warriors were storming heaven for Morgan’s recovery. Her whole school had found out she was sick. In fact, they all stopped school, even the staff and the church staff--they all got on their knees and prayed for little Morgan.

After a month in the hospital, doctors agreed to let Morgan go home even though she was still unresponsive. Therapy would continue at an outpatient facility. But back at home, Morgan’s progress was agonizingly slow.

"I remember how much it hurt my heart [that] she couldn’t talk to me, and I remember when I would give every penny I owned just to hear her say, 'Daddy I love you,' just one more time," recalls Mike.

Mike and Cathy continued to pray. And on New Years Eve, Morgan began making sounds and finally spoke.

"I would say, Morgan I love you, and she would go daddy I love you," he says. "Oh, that is so good to hear again. I must have heard it 1,000 times that day."

Then, in March of 2002, Morgan stood on her own. She began taking a few steps and finally, graduated from the therapy center. But Morgan’s greatest achievement was walking in her Aunt Angela’s wedding—the goal Mike had set for her six months earlier.

"We walked her up to the point where she has to start walking and there she went," says Cathy.

She even earned herself the nickname "Miracle Morgan."

"I have not had a patient that had such severe brain stem injury as Morgan and recover months later as she did to such a high-functioning state as she is now," says Morgan's doctor.

Morgan still takes daily insulin shots. But, despite a few physical challenges, the Moeller’s celebrate every day they have with their precious daughter. The little girl who defied all the odds knows more healing is on the way.

"It could be today, it could be tomorrow, or it could be the day before I die. But, I know that God is going to heal me," says Morgan. "I am just waiting."

Her dad will never forget what the Lord has done. "I look at her, and the Lord has given me the desires of my heart for her. To see her now -- she’s different. Morgan has a joy, and people just want to be around her because she just oozes, and she is always joyful. When I come home, there’s Morgan, my 13-year-old -- there she is on her knees. She just loves the Lord. She’s knows what’s important."

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