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A Jew Finds His Messiah Through The 700 Club

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Bob Katz was searching for something to fill the emptiness inside. Born and raised Jewish, Bob walked away from the temple as a teenager, and he never returned.

Bobs emptiness and anger only intensified when his father committed suicide. After college, Bob joined the Marine Corps, serving in Vietnam. Three years later, feeling more unfulfilled than ever, he began graduate school.

Then one day between classes, Bob was clicking through the TV channels and saw The 700 Club.

"We werent allowed to watch Christian TV as children, my father wouldnt let us, so I started to mock Pat: Another televangelist! Whens he going to start asking for money?"

Day after day Bob found himself continually searching for The 700 Club.

"I realized I had started to arrange all my next semesters classes so that I would be home to watch The 700 Club. I thought, Somethings going on here."

Bob began to mock less and to watch more. Then one day Bob remembers Pat giving an altar call.

"He started to describe someone, and it was like he was reading my mail," says Bob. "I got down on my knees and I said the sinners prayer. Nothing much happened, but I just felt kind of a light peace. I went to bed that night, and at 2 or 3 oclock in the morning, this incredible light justboom! goes off in the room, and I go from laying down to sitting up. Nothing elseno visions, no angels, Jesus didnt appear to me, no voicesjust this incredible light. And I knew something had happened, something had changed my life forever."

That day Bob called The 700 Club. A counselor directed him to a local church where he began to feed on the Word of God.

"As I understood His Word, it became alive. Theres an emptiness in all of us that only the Holy Spirits going to fill. Thats just the truth of it."

Bob knew this truth was what hed been missing all his life. Before long his gnawing emptiness and raging anger were gone.

"Those feelings had left me, and it was more of a post realization that I had changed. I just said, Thank You, Lord: Keep working; keep working. Its been a long, wonderful, gradual process of just feeling peace and joy."

Now a CPA and financial advisor, Bob has continued to watch The 700 Club for 25 years. Hes moved from mocking the ministry of CBN to supporting it. He and his wife, Jamie, are 1000 Club partners.

"We are living testimonies," Bob says. "Weve always tithed, and as weve given more and more offerings, Hes blessed us back. And its not just monetary. Hes blessed us with love and peace and children."

For over 40 years, The 700 Club has been here for people like Bob Katzpeople who are spiritually hungry, people who are desperately searching. Since September 11 the need is even greater.

"Theres going to be a great revival coming like never before, and a lot of hungry people are going to be seeking us. Weve got to be ready," Bob admonishes.

The 700 Club stands ready every day24 hours a daywith telephone counselors on call and help also available online.

"I shudder to think, that had I not committed my life to Christ at that moment in time, where that other road would have led me. Im so happy to have the opportunity to personally thank Pat for his obedience, because I trace it back to The 700 Club and that moment in time," Bob concludes

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The 700 Club