A Double Dose of Healing
CBN.com “It was very painful and hard for me to walk or clean my home,” Olia says. “And it would hurt when I would go up the stairs.”
Olia Strepina of Kiev, Ukraine, was cleaning her apartment one day when an intense pain shot through her knee.
“I am a young woman and I didn’t want to have pain in my knee or in any other part of my body,” Olia says. “I didn’t like the pain and just wanted to get rid of it.”
The pain continued for 3 more months. Olia kept praying but her condition remained the same.
One morning when she turned on The 700 Club, Terry had a word of knowledge about a viewer whose knee was aching at that moment. Terry continued to say that, “God is healing you.”
“Immediately I jumped up and began to praise the Lord and I kept saying, ‘It’s my knee that has been healed. It’s my knee that has been healed,’” Olia recalls. “After that, I had never had pain.”
“It’s so good to be able to do every kind of work, for example clean the house… I feel myself free. I can stand up and walk having no pain in my knee. It’s so good,” Olia says.
A few months later, Olia developed a severe pain in a tooth. She remembered how God had healed her once before. So, she called The 700 Club prayer counseling center in Kiev for prayer.
“I dialed the number of The 700 Club and they begin to pray for me,” she says. “In the middle of their prayer the pain in my tooth started to go away. By the end of prayer the pain was gone! And it has never come back.”
Today, Olia is healthy, happy, and very thankful.
“I pray that the Lord will keep blessing you in the future so you can spread the Good News through your ministry,” Olia says.