Are you in it to win it?
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” - 1 Corinthian 9:24
I ran across this scripture recently. It is one that always inspires me and reminds of the importance of having a clear goal for the things that I choose to do in my life. It takes discipline, perseverance and commitment to win the races of life, but the prize of winning is so very rewarding. It's not as much about the achievement of your goal as it is about who you become in the process. Sometimes, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut - running your race half-heartedly and with so many distractions that you barely notice there is a higher purpose to what you are doing. This week, I invite you to consider whether you are running your race “in such a way as to get the prize.” Whether at work, in your relationships, your finances or life in general, is it time for you to get motivated again? Consider these four questions to gain the clarity you need.
1. What prize are you aiming for?
Running a race without knowing where the finish line is exasperating. Get clarity about your goal. Aim high. What does “winning” look like to you? Write it down. A clear, compelling goal is energizing. As the adage goes, aim for the moon - and if you miss – you’ll still be among stars.
2. What do you need to do consistently if you are to win?
Consistency is one of the most important ingredients for success. Perhaps you’re aiming for loving relationship with a close loved one, but yourself at odds with the person over petty issues. For a while, the relationship runs smoothly and then suddenly, an argument. Don’t give up. Keep practicing love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness. Don’t keep a record of wrongs. Over time, the consistency of your love will pay off. Whether building a relationship or losing weight, consistent action towards your goal will eventually yield consistent results.
3. Why is it important to you?
Discipline without purpose is self-punishment. Indeed, self-discipline is one of the fruits we are to produce in our lives (
) – for the purpose of becoming all that we were meant to be. But denying yourself constantly without the reward of moving towards a larger objective is frustrating. Know the core purpose behind the race you are running. If you are seeking better health by eating well and exercising, the purpose may simply be to live long and feel better. If you are seeking financial independence, the purpose may be to have the freedom to spend more time enjoying people and exploring life.
4. Why is it important to God?
Ultimately, the prize you are aiming for is becoming all that God called you to be and fulfilling the purpose for which you are created. In every race, seek to grow spiritually, express love and learn the lessons that are being offered to you. If you do these three things, the priceless prize you’ll earn are the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Journaling assignment:
What is the prize you most want to attain at this point in your life? (Consider your health, relationships, finances, work and spiritual life.) What do you need to do differently in order to win it? Why is it important to you? Why is it important to God?
My challenge to you this week:
Make a decision that you will run your race with a goal of winning it. If there are any “races” you are running aimlessly, either drop out of the race altogether or get clear about the prize you are seeking.