Jaw Infection Healed by Miracle Prayer
CBN.com - In the spring of 2013, Darren Rightenour started having pain in his lower left jaw.
“It was actually excruciating to the point that I couldn’t even open my mouth at times,” Darren said. “Really, it was hard to even eat, sleep, talk, really anything. It just made life miserable.”
Darren visited a dentist, who said his only option was to have surgery on a wisdom tooth.
“I did not want to have surgery whatsoever,” Darren said. “I tried different prescription pills and things that eased the pain, but it didn’t cure it all together.”
In June of 2013, Darren was watching the 700 Club, when Terry Meeuswsen started praying.
…”says, I really feel the Lord telling me that someone is being healed in their lower jaw,”
Terry Meeuswsen: “Someone else, you have an infection in a wisdom tooth. It’s actually gone up into the bone in the jaw. God is completely healing that for you.”
“I didn’t really think of it at first and then I was like, wait a minute, my jaw isn’t hurting anymore,” Darren said. “That is when I realized it was for me. For me to have that it was a very personal feel for me. For someone very far away to have that, God telling them for me, that was just an awesome experience.”
Within five days, all the pain left Darren’s jaw.
“I was blown away,” Darren said. “I haven’t had any problems with pain, not even so much as a twinkling of anything. It helps me knowing that God is there to heal. You know, I can tell others and it just encourages them.”
“No matter how small or how great, He is there. He is the great creator, the great healer, and he is there to help us.”