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The Legend Comes Back to Gospel: Don Moen

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Worship leader and song writer Don Moen has written hundreds of beloved praise and worship songs and performed for millions all over the world. He has won numerous Dove awards and helped launch the career of many popular Christian artist. 
Not bad for a guy who started his career writing jingles and playing keyboard for a gospel group.

“The fact that God has used me to be in front of literally millions of people, I would have never believed in a million years that I would do that, because I failed my speech class in college because I couldn't stand in front of twelve people and give a 
speech,” says Don.

Following college, he prayed God would use his music. 

“I said, "I don't want to ever write another song until it comes in power, praise, healing, and deliverance." And one night, I heard these words, "Open your Bible to Psalm 40, verse 3." I got up, went to my office, opened my Bible. Psalm 40, verse 3 says, "I have put a new song in your mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see it and fear, and put their trust in the Lord."

Don set out to follow God’s calling, writing praise and worship songs… and leading worship. He says it took a while to get used to the idea,  “I remember the first time I was doing a praise and worship with an evangelist. I was providing the praise and worship music. I was back at the piano. I had put a microphone in front of my, by the piano, just in case I had to give some direction. And at the end of the music portion, I just felt there was something more that should be said sung. And I pulled the mic up. I took a big chance and put the mic up. And I said, "Let's all sing that chorus one more time." And I had this little mousy voice, and I was like, and I was singing, "I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee." And amazingly, the people followed me. I think they thought, "That poor guy can't sing, and he can't play.
We'd better help him out." So that was my illustrious beginning into leading praise and worship.”

For the next few decades Don would become a household name in the world of praise and worship music.  And now, he is excited to be back in the studio on his first new project in over ten years, "He's On Our Side."
Don continues, “The verses, the chorus of "He's On Our Side" is, you know, "Our broken wings, they have not hindered us. We have the Lord. He's on our side." It's from Psalm 124.

If it had not been the Lord on our side, where would we be. We would have been swallowed up alive. All the things that you've been through, all the things that our people have gone through, you think, "Can God ever use me again?" And the answer is, "Yes, He can." You might have a broken wing, but they're not going to hinder you. We have the Lord. He's on our side. You will fly again.”

Don adds, “When Jesus came to the disciples in the boat, they're in a storm. He's walking on the water, and they're thinking they're going to die. And Peter says, "Lord, is it you. If it's you, tell me to come." So he said, "Come on." So Peter walked out of the water, and then he started looking at the wind and the waves, and it started to sink. And Jesus said, "Why did you doubt?" So I'm thinking about the importance in these times of keeping our eyes focused on Jesus. Because if you're focused on the news and all the stuff going on in the world, you're focusing on the wrong thing. That's the wind and the waves, and you're going to sink.”

Don adds, “If I was walking with Jesus and the disciples, and He turns to me and said, "Hey, Don, would you just lead us in some worship?" What would I say. What would I sing? That's how I started that one song. He's worthy. He is.”

Don is grateful for the call God placed on his life and humbled by the millions who have embraced his music and leadership. “When I look at the journey, I'm as amazed as anybody, and I love to tell people, "If God can use me to do that, He can use anybody," because I was not the guy that wanted to be on a stage doing all this stuff, but the Lord kind of pushed me out there. It's a platform God has given me that I would have never built by myself, but it's just something that God did, and I'm as amazed as anybody.”

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About The Author

Karl Sutton

Karl Sutton has worked in Christian media since 2009. He has filmed and edited over 200 TV episodes and three documentaries which have won numerous film festivals and Telly awards. He joined CBN in 2019 and resides outside Nashville with his wife and four kids. He loves cycling, playing music, and serving others.