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Former Witch and Occultist Gives Her Life to God

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“Asked me why I was there, and I said, I'm angry,” Jordan exclaimed. “I walk around feeling like this ball of fire and I'm just so angry at everyone. I can't remember if I've ever felt happy…and so that's why I'm here…”

Jordan Taylor was 19 years old when she walked into a therapist’s office. She grew up neglected and felt like she was never loved by her mom or dad. This led to her feeling constantly angry and lost. “She was absent.” She explained. “I remember wanting to be with her, hang out with her, and wanting her to be at my things at school…But it was very rare that she would make an appearance. I felt hurt and I couldn't understand why this would happen. There must be some kind of purpose.”

Her therapist suggested she start yoga where she experienced more than just peace of mind - she found acceptance and love in the world of new age. “I knew there was something bigger than me. I felt like I was here for a purpose.” Jordan stated. “I made it this far for some reason I didn't know why. So, when I started digging into New Age spirituality, it affirmed that.” For the next 13 years Jordan continued to explore. By her thirties she was fully immersed in the occult.As time went by, it got deeper and deeper to the point where, I was performing rituals and casting spells and doing witchcraft.” She spoke. “So, it went from something really small to something really big.”

Believing she had found her purpose, Jordan quit her job in 2019 to devote all her time and energy to the practice and pursuit of spirituality. What she didn’t count on, was the depression, anxiety, and torment that came with it. “Because I was interacting with what I thought were my spirit guides, I was calling them in and calling on them. If I was praying or meditating, I was calling these demons in. I was also having sleep paralysis episodes. During my sleep paralysis, I would see things and hear things, but I couldn't move or speak…it was just demonic.” She stated. “In that moment, I just felt like this was my normal now and it felt like, well, these things happen, and I didn't feel like it was because of me…it was just…this was my world.”

The following year she started dating a guy who shared many of her beliefs. A couple of months later, his brother died unexpectedly and soon after, he told Jordan he’d had a dream about his brother showing him that he was with Jesus, happy and at peace. Her boyfriend gave his life to Christ and turned from the occult, but she wanted nothing to do with his new faith. One night, he convinced her to watch a movie about Jesus called, A Son of God. “All of a sudden, I felt like it was just me watching this movie, and I had this overwhelming feeling come over me. It was this overwhelming feeling of love that I had never felt before. My whole life I'd been searching for love, and I felt it. It was so overwhelming that I was weeping and I'd never cried the way I cried in that moment.” She spoke. “It was right after that I remember getting on my knees and just repenting for all of the things I did in New Age and telling Jesus that I accepted him and that I wanted more and more and more of him.”

Now instead of anger, depression, and anxiety, Jordan felt love and purpose.  She got rid of everything from her old lifestyle - including her therapist and began living her life for Christ. She even shared her testimony on Facebook where it went viral! In time, Jordan forgave her mother, who also gave her life to Jesus.

Today, Jordan lives in the freedom, love, and forgiveness that can only come through faith in Jesus Christ. “Who I was before Christ, I was angry at everyone and everything. I was depressed, prideful, self-righteous. I thought that I knew all of the answers and I was very stubborn and closed off. Now after Christ, I have a love that is different. I thought I loved people before, but now I care so much about people and their souls and people knowing who Jesus is and knowing the truth. I'm much lighter and more peaceful. I did not have any peace before but now I have so much peace and so much hope where I was hopeless before.”

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Morgan Costner is a features producer for The 700 Club (2023) and formerly the Production Coordinator for The 700 Club (2020-2023). Morgan and her husband, Thomas, both work for the Christian Broadcasting Network and actually met while working together on a project. They serve as the Young Adult Directors at their church, Harvest Assembly, and are in love with their sweet pets, Percy and Julia.