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Have Others Jeopardized Your Integrity?

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“Our medical practice has been involved in some activities I believe are wrong, but my partners won’t let me discuss them with an outsider,” said a doctor who called seeking counsel. This medical practice had a very loose partnership arrangement. This loose association was cause for concern when it came to dealing with regulatory bodies such as the IRS and Medicare. If one doctor was inclined to cheat then the other two were ultimately responsible as well.

Financial responsibility is not the only risk that comes with formal or informal associations. There is also the risk of jeopardizing your personal integrity. In the case of this doctor his concern was actually more about his integrity. He recognized that if he was associated with others that were acting either illegally or inappropriately then his reputation was at risk.

Many business people are quick to enter into partnerships or strategic alliances before considering the long-term consequences. The Christian faith teaches the principle of being yoked or bound only with someone of the same faith. This is difficult to comply within an age of quickly struck deals, partnerships, and alliances. To truly be equally yoked requires compatibility even beyond the same faith. It requires a similar commitment level to core values and principles. In the case of this doctor his partners were professing Christians, but when he discussed with them the spiritual consequences to their actions their response was, “Business is business, and our faith is separate.” This usually translates into profits are more important than integrity.

If you value your integrity, look closely at your associations. Some pointed questions about core values, faith, and personal goals up front may save your reputation in the future. Your integrity has eternal value. Don’t let others jeopardize what you’ve worked hard to maintain.








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About The Author


Rick Boxx is the President of Integrity Resource Center (IRC), a nonprofit ministry providing biblically-based resources, training and counsel to business and ministry leaders. You can learn more about IRC by visiting their web site at or by emailing Rick at