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When Tough Times Come

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Kevin Myatt always dreamed of pursuing a doctorate in divinity. So, he enrolled in Regent University.

“I've always had a love in my heart for the scriptures and teaching the word of God.” Explains Kevin.

His wife of 45 years, Melissa, supported the dream.

“I knew it would be a sacrifice on everything, but it was a sacrifice we were willing to take.” Said Kevin’s wife, Melissa.

At the same time, he became pastor of a small church in Oklahoma. Just weeks before completing the degree, a church split left him without a job. 

“It was emotionally difficult. It was, uh, um, financially, of course for us.” Notes Kevin.

“It was scary 'cause the savings was diminishing. We saw it every, every month and we're like, how much longer can we make it through this?” Melissa adds.

Melissa found part time work and Kevin took a low-paying job working at a call center 
40 miles from home. Between shifts he slept in his car to save money.

“I think what kept me motivated was not just the call of God, but I had, uh, completed the Doctor of Ministry at Regent. And I knew that there was, that that was gonna open up some doors for me.” Kevin continues.

Despite the struggles, the couple never stopped tithing and giving - a principle they learned early in life.

"It didn't matter what state of our lives were, God would always be first it was a part of our lives. We never thought one moment to not give to God.” Melissa further adds.

They even gave to CBN.

“I just felt, uh, a real connection with the ministry and supported what they were doing, you know, um, CBN, Regent University, Operation Blessing.” Kevin explains.

“They, they reach out to so many hurting people and help them when situations like when they're hit by tornadoes or hurricanes, wherever the destruction is. You see them helping in Israel.  We've always felt that it's such a, a beautiful ministry to so many lives.” Melissa joins.

Kevin continued to send out resumes and the two prayed continuing to trust God.

“We just kept reading the word of God. Confessing what God's word says about our situation, and we knew that it would change.” Kevin further explains.

In time, Kevin landed work bringing stability and a chance to tackle their debt and pay student loans.  Then, in 2019, the KMyatt’s moved to Virginia, where Kevin worked for home healthcare. Within three years, they were debt free. Today, Kevin, is fulfilling his lifelong dream, serving living faith fellowship as pastor. He also teaches online as an adjunct professor at Regent University.

“Well, when you put God first, it's like everything else falls in place. And even when you're in hard situations and hard times of your life, you still put God first.” 

Melissa concludes.

“I can't explain it, but you know, when you honor God with your, with your finances, with your giving, God will take care of you as you're diligent to work, as you're diligent to do what your hand finds to do, he will bring you through even the rough times. And He did in our case.” Kevin wraps up.

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and we invite you to join in blessing others with your giving to CBN! Your faithful giving brings hope to the hopeless and the truth of God’s Word to millions of homes through The 700 Club! Help bring the love of Christ to the world when you become a CBN partner today!

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About The Author

Cheryl Wilcox Headshot

Cheryl Wilcox, Coordinating Producer, The 700 Club. I hail from a Jesus-loving SoCal surf family 🏄🏻‍♀️. I'm the mother of two brilliant, business-owning daughters. My heroes are the Great Emancipators and Corrie Ten Boom. I scull 🚣🏻‍♀️ for life balance; it's somewhat easier than surfing. I'm passionate about organic food 🥗 and gardening. Since 1989, I've produced feature stories 🎬 for CBN. In my free time, I enjoy reading about the lives of Saints – like Julian of Norwich🇬🇧. I'm baptized Anglican. Christ is King of Kings! 💫

About The Author

Shannon Woodland

At 25 years old, while living in Seattle, Shannon heard God say, "Go tell My story." She’s been with The 700 Club as a Features Producer for over 30 years. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, Tim, and two dogs.