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How To Make a House a Home

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 Like it or not there is already a regular rhythm (family practices) going on in your home. If it is not what you want, the good news is that it is never too late to start new family rhythms (a set of habits that allow you to cultivate the family values, you want). To start, you must reject old patterns and establish new, healthier rhythms that lead you toward loving God and loving each other. Your marriage is foundational – a first step and important step to building a strong vision for your family.

“Building a healthy home requires developing intentional rhythms to guide us as we pursue a thriving family life,” shares Jenni. In other words, you won’t develop a flourishing home life by accident.


You choose the rhythms that fill your home. “Rather than a list of rigid rules to follow, the rhythm we create for our home is like a trellis supporting the growth of a budding vine,” reveals Jenni. Below are the rhythms that have become lifelines to Chris and Jenni’s home life. They are also straight from God’s Word:

  • The Rhythm of Speaking Life – involves be mindful of your words because your words matter. One evening, Chris and Jenni were reading a bedtime story to their children. When Chris missed a word or misread something Jenni didn’t correct him. It was the end of a busy workweek, and he was tired, but he chose to be part of their bedtime routine. Instead of focusing on a missed word in the story, she reflected on how grateful she was that her husband is such a great dad to his children. Holding your tongue carries over to your relationship with your children. You can look for the faults to correct or search for the good and speak it out loud. For example, on birthdays take a moment to speak a blessing over your children. Or keep a blessing journal for each child that affirms the things you see God doing in them (struggles they’ve overcome, etc.) Speak to your child with respect and honor, tell them something you love about the way God made them.
  • The Rhythm of Serving – healthy families serve one another, but serving requires sacrifice. “We want to teach our kids that there is joy and blessing in the sacrifice,” shares Chris. For example, when Chris and Jenni give up their evening to watch their kids play their favorite sports, they give up free time, but they also gain the reward of blessing someone they love and cheering them on in doing what they love.
  • The Rhythm of Slowing Down – Jenni says, “Some of life’s greatest moments come to us disguised as interruptions.” On Saturdays, Jenni enjoys pancakes, bacon, and a long run. One morning, she was heading out the door to go for a run when her nine-year-old daughter asked if she could go with her. At first, Jenni thought about the alone time she was giving up, but then she realized what a compliment it was for her daughter to want to spend time with her. Together they ran, a little slower than Jenni’s normal pace, but they had a great time talking, taking pictures, and spending time together.
  • The Rhythm of Seeking Adventure – is a mindset of looking out ahead toward growth and change by refusing to grow comfortable and complacent. Show your kids what a life of adventure looks like. Sit down with them and ask them what activities or ideas they are dreaming of. For example, maybe they want to try out for the school play or learn to ride a horse. Since raising teenagers, Chris and Jenni point out that it is important that you do not push your agenda on your kids.
  • The Rhythm of Staying in Awe – adjusting your heart posture to receive each day with joy and gratitude. Whether you are experiencing mountain top moments with your family or going through a deep valley, take time to remember the gift of being alive. “It’s about noticing the big hidden within the small, the great blessings and beauty of everyday life,” reveals Chris. As parents of five, Chris and Jenni are always busy running their kids from one activity to the next. Their eight-year-old daughter Kennedi has become fascinated with the glory of a sunset. She is filled with awe and wonder as she looks at God’s handiwork. These moments are great opportunities to connect your child’s heart with the Source of all beauty.


Chris was raised in Indiana and got into drinking and drugs in college. While attending Indiana University, he gave his life to the Lord. After college he appeared on MTV's Road Rules, and he discovered his passion for Jesus and entrepreneurship.

Jenni grew up in in a loving, Christian home, but her faith truly became her own when she moved to Nashville, Tennessee to attend Belmont University and work in the Christian music industry. During her sophomore year, she had an encounter with God that changed her life forever. Shortly after, she met Chris in church. They quickly fell in love and married ten months later.

To their surprise, five months after they married, they discovered that Jenni was pregnant with their son Kaden. When he was born life for both of them would never be the same. Up until that moment, Chris and Jenni had only been investing in a rhythm of us, but with the birth of their son their rhythm of home began.

Chris was a local church pastor for close to a decade and has since founded multiple companies. Together they co-host The Rhythm of Us podcast where they help encourage couples to move towards the life they long for, offering fresh insights and powerful conversations on the practices that make up a life and marriage well lived. Jenni and Chris have been married over 20 years and have 5 amazing kids ranging in age from 19 to 7.



To learn more about Chris and Jenni Graebe and their Rhythm of Hope and Rhythm of Us click the link! 



Chris – Co-author, latest, The Rhythm of Home, (NavPress, 2024); Co-host of the Rhythm of Us podcast where they interview couples to discover what makes relationships thrive; Former pastor in local church ministry for thirteen years; Married to Jenni; Five children: Kaden, Addie, Averi, Kennedi & Keris

Jenni – Co-author, latest, The Rhythm of Home, (NavPress, 2024); Co-host of the Rhythm of Us podcast; Married to Chris; Mom to five children: Kaden, Addie, Averi, Kennedi & Keris

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