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700 Club

Faith On the Front Lines 


Emily comes by her love for military service naturally; many of her own family members served with distinction starting in WWI.  Some of those are: Joseph Lorenz, her great-great-uncle, who died in the First World War, and lies buried in France.  Lieutenant Luella Lorenz, Emily’s great-great aunt, was part of the US Army Nurse Corps and deployed to Europe for 16 months in late 1944.  William Bertsch, her great-grandfather, was in the US Army from 1912 to 1946, actually serving in both world wars.  Bertsch received both a Purple Heart in WWI, and a Commendation Award Medal for saving a drowning woman.  Then there’s Anton Lorenz, her great-cousin, who was stationed at Kaneohe Naval Air Station when Pearl Harbor were attacked in 1941.  Closest to her heart is her own father, Commander Joseph Compagno, a pathologist in the US Navy Medical Corps in the 70’s.  Emily herself was a member of the University of Washington Air Force Reserve Officer Training Program (ROTC).  At the time, she wanted to be a jet pilot (like two of her cousins), but didn’t meet the height requirement.  Emily’s motivation for writing the book is to honor her ancestors and many other heroes, and give them all a voice to share how God met them in their times of need. 

In 2007, as a new attorney, Emily became an NFL cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders.  Two years later, she was given the opportunity, along with four other “Raiderettes” to join a two-week tour of Kuwait and Iraq to encourage the troops.  “Visits with the wounded and the medical staff in field clinics and the main hospital in Baghdad were poignant highlights I will always carry in my heart,” she says.  The Raiderettes were taken to many bases, including Sadr City, near Baghdad, Iraq.  The Black Hawk helicopter that dropped them off was scheduled to pick them up a few hours later … but was later diverted for a medevac mission.  “So, we ended up having to spend most of the night in that concrete, urban complex.  No one went to bed; we all stayed up together, talking and playing games in the inner courtyard, laughing well into the night.  It was like a summer camp, a special bonding experience, where the soldiers perhaps momentarily forgot the dangers surrounding us and only felt our shared joy of making new, lifelong friends.  It was definitely my favorite night on the trip – likely one of my favorites ever.”  The girls were later whisked away in the wee hours of the night, never to forget the experience … especially because of what followed, Emily says.  “Three days later those men drove over an improvised explosive device (IED).”  There were severe injuries and one fatality. 
Fifteen years later, Emily was able to reunite with Colonel Tim Karcher, the commanding officer at the Sadr City post, and a believer, who had bent over backwards to make the girls feel welcome, and keep them safe.  He was in the vehicle that drove over the IED in 2009, and told the story.  “I heard a big boom.  I know immediately what’s going on.  You hear it, you feel it, you taste it.  The vehicle is full of dust and smoke.  I yelled to my guys, ‘I’ve got two broken legs.  How’s everybody else?’  They all report back that they’re okay.  The pain made me think my legs were broken.  They weren’t.  They were gone.”  Tim went into shock, while his men got him to the battalion aid station.  

When stable, he was flown to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, and then spent six weeks at the famous Walter Reed military hospital in Washington, D.C.  Tim’s wife and three daughters were pillars of support to him through an extremely difficult period of recovery, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Emily says he maintained his faith and even his sense of humor through it all.  When a chaplain told Tim it was okay to be mad at God, he quipped, “God promised me eternal life, not eternal legs!”  The next two years were spent learning to walk with prostheses.  Afterward, Tim opted into the limited duty program the Army offered so he could return to work.  He told Emily his why.  “It wasn’t that I loved the Army.  I loved the soldiers.  I loved taking care of them, helping them and their families.  Being a commander was an extraordinarily rewarding, sacred duty.”  Emily adds, “The power of his remarkable, unshakable faith colored his recovery in an unfaltering strength, a consistent security in knowing Jesus.”

“In 1993, then-Sergeant Jeff Struecker was the squad leader assigned to Task Force Ranger of the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment,” Emily explains.  Jeff and the other Rangers were in Somalia to respond to a terrorist organization which had killed a number of UN peacekeeping troops, intercepted much-needed aid, and would later shoot down two Black Hawk helicopters.  “What ensued during that mission became the longest continuous firefight the US Army had engaged in since the Vietnam War.  The harrowing story was later the subject of a bestselling book and an Academy Award-winning film, Black Hawk Down,” she says.  Jeff, a seasoned combat veteran at age 24, and his men, were sent into the thick of the battle three times during that fateful 15 hours.  The first mission was to rescue a fallen private, which was a success.  En route, one of their expert gunners killed a sniper, only to be shot and instantly killed himself.  Jeff says one of the worst moments of his life came hours later when he had to clean his Humvee of his friend’s remains.  

A devout Christian, Jeff had often shared his faith with fellow soldiers, who usually said they didn’t feel they needed God.  After that awful day, perspectives changed.  “So many of my buddies were immediately confronted with their mortality.  They were telling me ‘Jeff, I shouldn’t be alive right now.  I’m not sure if I get on a helicopter or a Humvee that I’m going to make it home to my family.  And I don’t know where I’m going to spend eternity.  And you obviously do.  I want what you have.’  These men were literally saying I need you to tell me about Jesus right now.”  Jeff was more than happy to do exactly that.  In fact, that moment was pivotal in his life, as the Lord led him to become an Army chaplain.   He described that role to Emily as a “terrible privilege.”  “I use both those words very sincerely.  It is terrible to help bear those burdens and hear those stories.  I wish nobody on the planet had to hear those stories.  I wish nobody on the planet had those stories.  But it is an incredible privilege at the same time.  God has given me this terrible privilege.  I cherish it.  But I wouldn’t want anybody else on the planet to have to go through what I’ve gone through to get there.” 

The heroes highlighted in Under His Wings have clearly undergone situations that civilians simply don’t face: “A Green Beret heard God’s voice in the middle of a firefight in Iraq; an infantryman felt His direction during an ambush in the jungles of Vietnam; a Ranger realized His calling on a tarmac in Mogadishu; a prisoner of war has his prayers answered during torture sessions.”  Emily points out that no matter our callings in this world, that the lessons these heroes learned apply to us all.  “It is the Lord Who goes before us, Who is always with us, Who will never leave or forsake us.  Their breathtaking accounts remind us how simple and magnificent God’s love is for us; how transformative it is when we feel His love, when we accept His mercy, when we pray; and the life-changing – and lifesaving – effect of surrendering your life to Christ.”  


For more information on Under His Wings: How Faith on the Front Lines Has Protected American Troops click the Link!


Author, Under His Wings (FOX News Books, 2024) / Co-host of FOX News’ Outnumbered (with Harris Faulkner and Kayleigh McEnany) since 2021 / Host, FOX News Audio’s The FOX True Crime Podcast with Emily Compagno, since 2023 / federal managing Attorney and Acting Director, Social Security Administration, 2010-2014 / practicing attorney since 2006, in criminal defense and civil litigation in CA / former NFL Oakland Raiders cheerleader, 2007-2010, selected to visit U.S. troops throughout Iraq and Kuwait / BA, Political Science, University of Washington; JD, University of San Francisco School of Law 

700 Club

There’s No Setback Too Big for God

When Army soldier Andrew married Tori, the couple bought a house. They were both committed to making their budget work on just Andrew’s salary so they could start a family, and tori could stay at home.

Tori explains, “we don't have cable. We, we even go through, like turning the water off to make sure that our water bill's not too high.  We try to manage our groceries really tightly.”                      

Despite this military couple’s determination, they hit major set backs. Their car transmission died at the same time their hvac system failed. Both would cost thousands of dollars. Money they didn’t have.                       

Andrew says, “it just seemed like everything just started falling apart. Just like one thing after another.”                      

The couple turned to their faith for a solution.                        

Tori says, “ I'm praying for, for help.  I  look to the Lord for answers.” 

Their prayers were answered when a military support group, Battleground Perazim, contacted CBN on their behalf.  Helping The Home Front immediately decided to pay to fix the transmission and, buy them a new hvac system.

Andrew says, “that's awesome. Yeah. That's really appreciated.”                      

Tori continues, “that’s a huge blessing.  Thank you so much.  It feels like a weight is lifted off of our shoulder           

Thanks to you, this military couple now has a fresh financial start.

Tori concludes, “I just feel so incredibly blessed by CBN and Helping The Home Front. I appreciate that more than you guys know.”

700 Club

A Faith That Never Gave Up!

“It was frustrating because I couldn't do the things I wanted to do like swim, exercise, and pick up my grandchildren when they were younger,” Sherrie Kemp recalled. Sherrie led a healthy, active life until a few years ago when a debilitating and painful shoulder injury began limiting her mobility. “As I'd gotten older, it's gotten progressively worse. I couldn't sleep on my right shoulder, and lifting plates--even a small amount of weight would hurt.”
Sherrie grew up in church and always believed in healing, but despite her prayers, the pain persisted. “I'd been praying for healing for a long time – a very long time. And, you know, God has a reason for everything, so I just kept believing. I didn't give up.”

 In April of 2022, Sherrie turned on The 700 Club. “I watch The 700 Club typically every day if possible. I've been a member for a long time. And Gordon was speaking about right shoulder pain.”

“There’s someone else saying ‘right shoulder, right shoulder’ and you too are laying your left hand on that right shoulder,” Gordon had said. “And you are being healed. Just feel the presence. That joint is now loosened and you can raise your arm all the way up. Just do it now in Jesus’ name.” 

“The pain went away and I was moving my arm all over, moving it back and forth. I could never put it behind my back,” Sherrie remembered. “Now I can do everything. It's just amazing. Since that day, I've had full range of motion and no pain whatsoever. I'm able to exercise, lift weights, swim, which I do as much as I possibly can.” 

Since then she says the Lord has healed her in several other areas as well. “When I went to the doctor, he was telling me I need a knee replacement. I said, ‘No, thank you. Have a nice day.’ I came home and I prayed and I said, ‘God, you made me. You can heal me.’ And then it progressed from there. I mean, my knee is fine now. We only have one body and we have to take care of it so that He can use us for our purpose in life. That's what He's teaching me.”

Sherrie continues to lead an active life and wants to share what Jesus has done for her with everyone she can. “I can see Him working not in just my life, but in people around me. I just pour into people and God pours into me. I know that I have to overflow into others so that they can receive what God has for them as well. I want to leave a legacy of love inspired by the Lord God. I want everyone to know what He did in my life.”


700 Club

Unlocking True, Grace-Filled Aging


Dr. Don Colbert has been treating patients for over 25 years, but three years ago, he had an epiphany while listening to a sermon. 
“I realized in a burst of insight that as a medical professional, operating a practice and writing more than fifty books during my career, I had helped people find health and freedom through better eating habits, exercise, lowering their blood pressure, taking the right supplements, having good thought practices, and more—but love had never been central to my approach… somehow I had never emphasized the core message of the Gospel: love,” he shares. 

That’s why he wrote Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone exploring the connection between spiritual well-being and overall health while focusing on what he calls the “love walk” found in Scripture.

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:35-38, NIV).

When asked where to begin having a healthy spiritual life, Colbert says, “You must love yourself before you can love others.”


While examining 150 medical studies with more than 300,000 participants, it was concluded that there is a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival for people with meaningful social relationships. 

Colbert shares, “God created us to love and be loved. How we love, not just how we live, really matters.” 

Another vital element of spiritual health is practicing forgiveness. He has witnessed how harboring bitterness and unforgiveness has affected his patients’ health. The Bible says in Colossians 3:13 to "Bear with each other and forgive one another, as the Lord has forgiven you." 

Dr. Colbert shares, “Of all the actions we take in the love walk, forgiveness is by far the 
most important.” 

In addition, several medical studies echo the importance of forgiveness. Stanford University's Forgiveness Project conducted studies that show the benefits of forgiving others, including improved mental and physical health and better relationships.


Dr. Colbert encourages people to practice gratitude daily to improve their health and well-being. This can be as simple as:

•    Thanking God for necessities like shelter and transportation
•    Expressing appreciation to others
•    Keeping a gratitude journal

By cultivating a grateful attitude, individuals can experience increased happiness, optimism, and a greater sense of purpose in life. Dr. Colbert emphasizes that gratitude is not only beneficial for personal well-being but also aligns with biblical teachings, citing Thessalonians 5:18: "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."


To learn more about Dr. Don Colbert click the Link!


NY Times best-selling author with over 50 books; latest, Dr. Colbert’s Spiritual Health Zone (Siloam, 2025) / practicing medicine for over 25 yrs / Medical Director, Colbert Institute for Anti-Aging, Orlando, FL and Dallas, TX / treated more than 50,000 patients / sold more than 10 million books / media: The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, ABC World News, BBC, Newsweek, Prevention Magazine, etc./ Co-host with wife, Mary, of YouTube broadcast, Divine Health Report now known as Dr. Don Colbert M.D. / B.S. and M.D., Oral Roberts University. 

CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

In 2023, the CBN Prayer Center in the U.S. responded to 1.3 million prayer needs from viewers—recording over 6,500 professions of faith and fulfilling over 336,000 requests for ministry resources. Our ministry extends beyond phone calls, offering assistance in various languages and digital platforms.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Help in Times of Crisis

When tragedy struck Israel, CBN partners helped war victims by providing emergency shelter, food, supplies, and access to counseling. Our team members also visited bomb shelters to bring hope, encouragement, and much-needed supplies.


For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

CBN’s Orphan’s Promise continues to minister to desperate men, women, and children in Ukraine by providing warm clothes, winter shoes, blankets, flashlights, and thermoses. We were even able to provide some with generators.


Reaching Kids for Christ

 CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. Through the free Superbook Kids Bible app, kids can watch Superbook, hear the Gospel presentation, play games, and more. They can also read the Bible, many in their own languages. 

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