George Washington Carver: Master Inventor, Artist
He was born to slave parents near Diamond Grove, Missouri in 1864.
The Civil War was ending and times were hard for blacks.
George Washington Carver wasn't exempt.
He grew up poor and was denied an education because of his race, but that didn't stop him from learning.
Carver fell in love with the wonders of nature - a passion that earned him a nick name that lasted a lifetime.
"He was considered the "plant doctor" as a youngster," said Tyrone Brandyburg, Carver Museum. "He pretty much had a green thumb - everything he touched grew."
Carver eventually went to high school and later attended college at the age of 30. He earned a degree in agricultural science from Iowa State University.
In 1896, he completed his masters degree and was invited by Booker T. Washington to join the faculty of Tuskegee Institute, a trade school for blacks in Alabama.
His work resulted in the creation of more than 300 products from peanuts, products like cooking oil, paint and peanut butter. He also created more than 100 products from sweet potatoes.
Carver is also responsible for inventing synthetics such as marble and plywood, he even invented the dye still used in Crayola crayons.
Also a talented in artist, Carver created some of his own art paints using local clays.
Tyrone Brandyburg of the Carver museum in Tuskegee says many of Carver's inventions were for the benefit of others -- not himself.
Brandyburg said, "The people in the community were starving, they didn't have any money to take care of themselves. Those items that were made from sweet potato and the peanut those were things Carver invented to help people just survive."
Carver is mostly known for his scientific contributions regarding the peanut, but he is also recognized as a devoted Christian, who boldly declared that the God of the universe was his source of inspiration."
Carver was often heard to say "the Lord has guided me," and "without my Savior, I am nothing."
"Carver believed that the great Creator gave him or at least allowed him to do these things or have these skills," Brandyburg said.
"He asked God to reveal to him the secrets of the universe, God's response to him was that his mind was too small to perceive that," Frank J. Toland, Tuskegee University.
To that Carver replied, "then, teach me the mysteries of the peanut."
Carver's research made him famous, leading to offers that could have made him wealthy -- offers he easily refused.
Brandyburg said, "Henry Ford offered opportunity to work at Ford foundation, and he turned it down because he felt he could do more here for his people, and when I say his people, I'm not just talking about African Americans, I'm talking about all people/humans."
Though used greatly by God to discover countless numbers of scientific wonders, Carver still faced racism and prejudice. But this humble servant refused to become bitter, choosing instead to love and serve god and his fellowman, earning him the well-deserved respect and admiration of many.
Carver died in 1943 at the age of 79.