Freedom from Demonic Strongholds
Beginning at age 12, a young Nigerian named Tope started to be haunted by a recurring nightmare.
“In my dream, this angry woman took me underground and made me eat some food,” says Tope. “When I woke up, I did not know where I was or what was happening. I did not even know my name.”
For six long years the madness and disorientation continued.
“I became very dirty and would walk the streets with almost no clothes on. People were frightened of me,” says Tope.
In his few lucid moments, Tope believed he was possessed. He never received medical help. A few times his family took him to a shaman to remove evil spirits, but nothing worked.
One day, Tope approached a CBN evangelist on the streets – the same evangelist that he had abused in the past.
“I had done many bad things to Pastor Idoyu. I had beaten him with sticks and had spit on him, because he was a Christian,” says Tope.
To Tope’s surprise, Pastor Idoyu invited him to a meeting to watch a CBN program. Tope refused to go.
“[Pastor Idoyu] knew that evil spirits were stopping me, so he commanded the spirits to leave me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He told me again to follow him -- and that is what I did.”
At the meeting people were afraid to talk to Tope because of his reputation on the streets. Pastor Idoyu showed the group The 700 Club. When Pat Robertson offered to pray with those watching, Tope closed his eyes and prayed to Jesus Christ.
“Immediately, I saw a bright light and a man in white,” says Tope. “He told me that I should get up. He told me my sickness was over and that I should go to church immediately and praise God.”
When Tope opened his eyes, he knew he was healed.
“Since that time many good things have happened in my life. I am born again,” says Tope.
Tope’s friend Joseph Oguntade witnessed the transformation in Tope. “I remember when Tope was mentally ill and very mean. But today, he is my friend. I’m very happy because my friend has seen salvation and is healed.”
Today Tope is completely delivered and even teaches at a local school.
“God used CBN to speak to my heart,” says Tope. “Through CBN I was healed, and my soul was saved.”
Thank you CBN Partners! You were a part of Tope’s life-changing transformation. Through 700 Club broadcasts, medical missions, and humanitarian outreaches, your partnership spreads a message of truth, hope, and love to a hurting world. If you are not yet a partner, please join today. There are many more, just like Tope, that need to hear the Good News and experience the freedom that only Christ can give. Please join today!