Tina M.
Contributing Writer
Energetic encourager and passionate sharer of the Word are just a couple of phrases that describe Tina Hunt. Trained as a pastor and counselor, Tina weaves her insights into down to earth devotions and articles. She brings that same energy to her speaking and teaching—but that’s not hard when you’re an ESFP with ADD!
Tina has had devotions published online at ChristianDevotions.us, InspireAFire.com, and Pearls of Promise Ministry. You can also read her thoughts on her blog, www.PotOfManna.wordpress.com, and on the website for writers, AlmostAnAuthor.com—her column there is “Truth Be Told.”
Currently serving as pastor of First Church of the Brethren in Ashland, Ohio, Tina also is very active in many ways with Word Weavers International and hanging out with her grandson.