Leslie Haskin is the youngest daughter of 15 children born to a Baptist minister. She grew up on Chicago’s notorious South Side, where despite the financial constraints of a large family, her family life was humble and healthy. She excelled in school.
After college, Leslie's ambition led her to New York City, where she began her climb up the corporate ladder. By 2000, and after working for B-Trade (Michael Bloomberg), Leslie was hired to lead branch services and operations for one of the largest insurance companies in the country. With an office atop the World Trade Center in New York, she lived all the privileges that her executive lifestyle afforded.
At 8:43 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 everything changed. She explains, "I was in my office on the 36thfloor of the North Tower when a Boeing 747 airplane slammed into my building. Initially I was in shock and had no idea what had happened. No one did. We reacted like robots, walking down the stairs through the narrow staircase and just focusing on what was ahead."
Leslie lost 22 of her friends, was diagnosed with severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and lost everything that she had worked for. Unable to return to work, eventually she and her son Eliot became homeless.
For the first couple of years after 9/11, she had no direction whatsoever. She couldn't go back to work, she could barely leave the house from fear. Leslie comments, “One night, alone in my room, I had reached my lowest point. Having come to the end of myself, I had nowhere to go, but to God. He was the only thing bigger than the memories that tormented me day and night. I called out to Him and from that night, I am persuaded that God's provision is for our wholeness, healing, and spiritual prosperity through Him whose shed blood guarantees a life without chains...no matter the situation.”
Today, Leslie Haskin has overcome PTSD, homelessness, and other illness to champion the cause of living a life without limits. Traveling the world, speaking to thousands about the strength of spirit and overcoming, she has worked alongside broadcast professionals such as Australia’s Leigh Hatcher, CNN’s Tony Harris, and The 700 Club’s Kristi Watts to spread a message of hope beyond suffering. Leslie has been featured on The Joy Behar Show, CNN, Fox News, Dr.Drew and other national mainstream media.
After years of struggle and starting again, today, Leslie Haskin is a New York Times Best Selling Author, an International Keynote Speaker, a highly sought after strategic business consultant for organizations such as The United Way, Dun & Bradstreet, and Save the Children. Most recently, she ahs also become a highly regarded civil rights activist and founder of the global human rights organization, Life Stations Centers of Excellence.
Leslie comments, "I know that God spared my life on 9/11 for more than just me. My life, my purpose, and my whole reason for being is about the greater good...as God sees it. And that's much bigger than mere mortality."