Joni Wolf is the founder of Immanuel Quilt Ministry. She is also the maker, author, and storyteller of the Immanuel Quilt. The Immanuel Quilt portrays Names of Jesus and tells His Story. Joni travels the Midwest sharing His Story in a unique quilt to audiences young and old. She is on a journey proclaiming, in Name and Truth, God is with us.
Having experienced many God incidents in her lifetime, Wolf loves telling others about the things God has done. She has published The Immanuel Quilt—A True Story of One Ordinary Woman, One Unique Quilt, and One Extraordinary God, the pattern for the Immanuel Quilt, and The Good News Reporter--a children’s curriculum based on Names of Jesus, Bible Stories, and the Immanuel Quilt.
Joni hopes that as her readers and audiences get to know the Names of Jesus and hear His Story in a unique quilt, they will draw near to God.
In her words, Joni is a happy wife, grateful mom, proud grandmother, enthusiastic storyteller, novice quilter, compulsive researcher, creative crafter, diligent puppet builder, nervous traveler, gingerbread collector, and sporadic blogger. She lives near Indianapolis with her husband, Tom.
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. (NIV)
Published Book: The Immanuel Quilt