I bowed my head and prayed. I told God all that was on my heart. And you know what? He listened.
Why do I not go to Him first when I have something to say? God doesn’t have call-waiting. He’s never on another line. And my prayers will never go to His voicemail or get an automated response. He’s never got something else that’s more pressing, or more important than what it is I want to share with Him. Like a Daddy eager to hear from His child, He is always listening. So why do I not tell Him first?
We often have something on our hearts we just need to share with someone. Some exciting news. Something discouraging that’s weighing us down. A bill we can’t pay. A concern for something that might happen. Who do you call when there’s something on your heart and mind that you need to share? I’ve learned from experience that if I always go to someone else, I’m eventually going to be disappointed – by their unavailability, their less-than-enthusiastic response, or maybe their lack of response altogether.
David proclaimed in Psalms 3:4
I cried out to the LORD, and he answered me from his holy mountain. Interlude
(NIV): “I cry aloud to the Lord, and He answers me from His holy mountain."
Did you catch that? He isn’t on another call. He isn’t too busy to pick up the call. He isn’t distracted by another incoming call. He answers me.
As you go throughout this day, with all that comes your way, tell God about it first. Of course, He already knows what you’re about to say. But by telling Him your news first, you’re reassuring Him – and yourself – that He is the single most important One in your life. And you have a guarantee that He’s listening.
Thank you, Lord, that You are never too busy, unavailable, or disinterested to hear from us. Thank You that, instead, Your ear is always tuned to us. Help us come to You first as You wait for us to share all that is on our hearts and minds.
Prayer: Lord, how many times have I complained about my circumstances when you were really protecting me from something far worse? Help me to trust You with all that I cannot see, knowing You are in control and You have my best at heart.