Ministry Leader Says Christian Clubs 'Thriving' in Backlash Against 'After School Satan Clubs'
Despite the efforts of The Satanic Temple (TST) to force the removal of Christian clubs from public elementary schools in the name of diversity, one of the leaders of the largest child evangelism ministry in the world says Christian clubs are thriving throughout the country and around the world.
"Although even the very presence of After School Satan Clubs shows how far America has sunk into moral relativism, these so-called clubs are not succeeding in their goal, which is to scare school authorities into banning all after-school groups so as to oust Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)'s Good News Clubs," CEF Executive Vice President Moises Esteves said in a press release.
"Satan cannot create anything but trouble, and this is a prime example," he said. "The devil promoters think they're clever, but they don't have a prayer when it comes to persuading parents to choose them for their children over CEF's Gospel-sharing clubs.
"Parents simply won't agree to send their children to a club whose mascot represents pure evil," Esteves said.
Meanwhile, not even one CEF club has been shut down from their efforts, he noted.
Esteves confirmed to CBN Digital that Satanists' efforts haven't been successful in shutting down his Christian clubs.
"It hasn't accomplished their goals to shut our clubs up," he said. "As a matter of fact, sometimes it does the opposite, because Christians that are not aware about the work we do in the public schools … go, 'Hey, we like what you guys are doing. Can we help? So, it helps us have more clubs."
The CEF recently noted that the publicity generated by these clubs has increased interest in Good News Clubs. Every time organizers advertise a new Satanic club, more people are discovering the Good News Clubs, and these people want to help.
The ministry also reports school officials are seeing the positive difference the Christian clubs make. A survey of over 200 principals from 28 states reported that 87 percent of those principals where clubs are located "noticed an improvement in student behavior."
One principal said: "Since the Good News Club has been a part of our school, the office referrals have decreased."
**Please sign up for CBN Newsletters to keep up to date with the news that matters most.***As CBN News has reported, TST has tried to establish affiliated clubs in hundreds of schools across the country, contending that they are not pushing religion but rather providing students with an alternative to the popular Good News Clubs.
"The Satanic Temple does not advocate for religion in schools," the group claims on its website. "However, once religion invades schools, as the Good News Clubs have, the Satanic Temple will fight to ensure that plurality and true religious liberty are respected."
In 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that public schools must allow the same access to its facilities to both secular and religious groups. This includes both Good News Clubs and After School Satan Clubs.
"We're not changing the politics here. This is something people should've recognized from the start," said Lucien Greaves, the Satanic Temple co-founder.
The CEF said the Good News Clubs offer a message of hope and grace to children and their families.
In contrast, TST encourages children to be self-centered and to disrespect all authority especially the God who loves them, the ministry said.
As an example, the CEF pointed to a children's song used in the After School Satan Clubs titled My Pal Satan. The song includes the following lyrics:
"Satan's not an evil guy.
He wants you to learn and question why.
He wants you to have fun and be yourself.
And by the way, there is no hell."
"This is a lie straight from — where else? — Hades," Esteves remarked. "Teaching children that there is no ultimate right or wrong or a God who loves them sets them up to be exploited by those with evil intentions. We pray that parents will see the truth and send their kids to a Good News Club."
Esteves also told CBN Digital he's inspired by stories like that of a little girl named Brianna and her sister, two kids who attended Good News Club.
"Mom and dad were divorced, the girl gets saved," Esteves said. "Of course, kids come home {and} all they talk about {are} the things of God they're learning in Good News Club."
This led to curiosity within the mom, who soon also became a Christian. Then, when the dad saw the changes in the home, he, too, started asking questions and going to church before finding Jesus.
"Today … the parents are volunteers in the Good News Club where the two girls attend." Esteves said. "And we see this transformation happen all the time."
As CBN's Faithwire reported, CEF is pushing full-steam ahead with its goal of reaching 100 million children with the Gospel within the next 10 to 15 years. In 2024 alone, CEF plans to reach at least 30.4 million children.
Founded 87 years ago, CEF has been establishing Good News Clubs in countries around the world for decades. The ministry reports established clubs in the U.S., Australia, Cambodia, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Uganda.
For more information about the Good News Clubs and CEF, click here.