'It Will Be Epic': Gather25 to Bring Together Global Church Like Never Before
A global prayer and worship event called Gather25 aims to use technology to connect the Global Church in 2025 to reach the whole world with the Gospel and fulfill Jesus's command in Matthew 28 to, "go and make disciples of all nations."
Jennie Allen, founder and visionary behind Gather25, tells CBN News the 25-hour global prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning event "will be epic" and "unlike anything you've ever seen."
"We are inviting every single one of you that loves Jesus to come together and to pray and to worship God and to commission the church to reach those that don't know Jesus," explained Allen. "There's 2.5 billion people that say that they love Jesus, and we want to mobilize the 2.5 and to bring them together to encourage the Church and to help each other remember that, that we're a big team and actually causing so much good in the world. God is moving."
Gather25 will broadcast globally for 25 hours starting on February 28th at 8:00 pm and streaming through March 1st at 9:00 pm EST. The event aims to bring Christians together from every continent and denomination. Each continent will host a portion of the event with local faith leaders sharing stories of what God is doing in their part of the world.
"I want you to picture, we're going down into Uganda, and you're hearing all the beautiful things God is doing in Uganda - and then you see the slums, and you see this little church, and you, you fly, we fly into that little church and together, African worship band that is singing in a way that they sing with all their passion, is singing a song that you know, like Shout to the Lord," explains Allen. "The African worship band, along with other leaders, lead the entire world together in a song, and that song is going out live in over 100 languages."
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"This is why this is possible for the first time, is technology now makes it available for live translation to happen in a way that it's never been able to happen before," continued Allen.
Allen hopes Christians around the world will gather groups of friends to stream the event.
"It's not going to be a gathering of the global church without every single believer coming and so we want every person to go to www.gather25.com to click the button 'I'm in,' and maybe you host in your local church, or you host wherever you are," Allen told CBN News. "It's going to come live through technology, YouTube, all of the ways you can imagine - television, radio, we're going to get it out to the world in every format possible."
"All you have to do is gather some friends in your home, in your local church, maybe bring some churches together that have never worked together before," continued Allen. "Pray together, worship together, and let's see what God is doing all around the world."
Allen tells CBN News she believes many people around the world will come to know Jesus through this global event.
"My hope and prayer is that as the Church comes together, that there would be a renewed fire for the purposes of God, that we would see our place in this story, that we would feel encouraged," said Allen. "And that the 2.5 billion people that say that they know Jesus would take their place in the Kingdom and in the church, and together, we would reach the world for Jesus, we would reach the 5.5 billion that don't know Jesus."