Former Muslim Kidnapper: 'They Get Paid for Every Coptic Christian Girl They Bring In'
Extreme Muslim groups, with the assistance of Egyptian police, are carrying out a systematic strategy of kidnapping Coptic Christian young women, according to a report by World Watch Monitor.
The report says Muslim groups like the Salafi organization pay kidnappers large sums, some of which is given to police who help by supplying drugs to weaken the young women or by ignoring kidnap reports filed by their parents.
World Watch Monitor reports regularly on Christian persecution around the world.
A source named "G" explained to World Watch Monitor, "kidnappers of Christian girls rarely get arrested or brought to prosecution. For instance, police don't report it as a kidnap but say the girl 'went missing.' This way, they cover up the crimes of those they see as their 'Muslim brothers.'"
The kidnappings of Coptic girls and women have taken place for years in Egypt. In 2014, World Watch Monitor spoke with human rights activist Ebram Louis who explained that Egyptian police are afraid of militant groups. "Police have not helped the families of the kidnapped girls at all," he said.
World Watch Monitor says that the girls and women that are kidnapped are forced to marry strict Muslims. "They just marry her to make her a Muslim," said "G" who added, "she will be hit and humiliated. And if she tries to escape or convert back to her original religion she will be killed."
"G" describes the kidnappings as happening "almost on a daily basis."
He went on to say Muslim kidnappers "get paid for every Coptic Christian girl they bring in."
Coptic priests and church workers are well aware of the ongoing tragedy. One priest told World Watch Monitor that 15 girls go missing in his area every year and that in the last 10 years since he's been advocating for them, he's only been able to secure the release of eight.
Another church worker explained that she talks about the kidnappings openly with girls. She teaches them about boundaries in relationships and about their value in Christ. "If they have better self-esteem, they will be less vulnerable," she said.
Last year Coptic Christians protested their persecution outside the White House, calling on the U.S. government to help them. The kidnappings are just a part of the persecution which includes church burnings and the killing of Coptic Christians because of their beliefs.