Is Canada Still a Country? How Canada's Identity Crisis Could Threaten the US
OTTAWA and TORONTO – When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his country is a "post-national state" and has "no core identity," no one should be surprised when some start asking if Canada is even a country. But the identity crisis facing Canada is not only multi-faceted, it's also serious, and could one day have a direct impact on the United States.
A Civilizational Experiment in 'Diversity'
Canada is in the midst of what one writer called a "civilizational experiment in which a western nation is being transformed into a post-western nation. And this revolution is centered around the cult of diversity."
The question is not whether Canada should accept immigrants. The question, according to Toronto Sun Columnist and Sirius XM Canada host Anthony Furey is whose values should win the day.
"In Canada right now it's labeled bizarrely xenophobic and anti-immigrant, and they throw around terms like racism to no end, if you simply say I'd like us all to integrate here and live together in a compatible way," Furey says.
The 'Canadian Mosaic' Transformed by Muslim Immigration
Throughout their histories, both Canada and America have welcomed immigrants of all backgrounds, but Canada has said that rather than being a melting pot like the U.S., it is a "mosaic" of many cultures. The problem begins when the Canadian "mosaic" includes more and more radical Islamists who favor undemocratic values under Sharia law. Prime Minister Trudeau welcome almost 50,000 refugees from the Middle East in 2016 alone, and has even welcomed returning ISIS fighters, saying in an interview that they could be a "powerful voice."
"A lot of people, probably the silent majority, are saying 'I'm unhappy with this', including new immigrants who came to Canada whether it's a year ago or a decade or three decades ago who say 'No, I came to Canada for a reason because I wanted Canadian values. And I was escaping values in other countries.'"
Muslims Who Came for Canadian Values Must Face Radical Islam Again
One of those immigrants who would like more Canadian values is pro-western Muslim Tahir Aslam Gora, founder, and CEO of Tag TV in Toronto, a network with a large international audience. He's also the founder of the Canadian Thinkers Forum and a co-author of the book SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islam to Canada, with a Warning to America.
"I moved to this beautiful country because of its Canadian culture," Gora says. "People like me escaped Pakistan and the Middle East and the Muslim world and came to Canada and some went to the United States with the hope that they will be left alone by radical Islamists. But now we see those Islamists roaming around. In this part of the world."
Muslim Immigrants Described as Animals in the Left's 'Circus'
Tarek Fatah, a journalist, writer, and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress was an Immigrant from Pakistan and a proud Canadian. Fatah says the Canadian Left, which in his words is "sinking in white guilt," now accepts and even celebrates undemocratic radical Islamic beliefs and practices.
He likens it to a circus. "[The Canadian Left] considers radical Islam as a phenomenon that needs to be embraced because it's so curious. So, we as Muslims are considered as circus animals. We need to perform in any way. And the white left-liberal feminist class is sitting in ringside seats and says, 'Ah, how Lovely. Just look at that monkey jump up and down. That elephant stood up on his two feet. Honey, did you see that? It's breathtaking.'"
Land Acknowledgements: Canada as an Occupier
Another facet of Canada's identity crisis can be seen in the growing trend of what is called 'land acknowledgments.' They are recited daily on campuses and in schools across Canada, and they essentially declare that Canada is an occupier.
One typical land acknowledgment says, "We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the ancestral homelands of the Beothuk and the island of Newfoundland as the ancestral homelands of M'gmak and the Beothuk…"
These continue even though a poll this year found that most Canadians do not believe native peoples should have a special status and that the government should stop apologizing for past wrongs.
Traditional Canadian Christian Culture Under Attack
The culture that is under fire here is traditional Canadian Christian culture. Ottawa resident Alexandra Belaire grew up behind the Iron Curtain in communist Czechoslovakia, and she sees some disturbing parallels between life under communism and politically correct Canada.
When asked, "What do you say to someone who says 'That (comparison) is preposterous. I can say whatever I want in Canada. How can you compare it to the Soviet world?'"
The former dissident's daughter said, "But you can't say anything you want."
She explained, "Because I was the daughter of a political dissident, teachers would take the time to berate me and say bad things about me in front of the whole classroom because that way they were proving they weren't for showing favoritism to the dissident's daughter. Right now my friend's daughter was in school and she was being shamed for being too Christian. How's that different? How is that different? She was being shamed for feeling very patriotic Canadian. How is that different from being shamed for being dissident's daughter?"
There is a saying here that "The world needs more Canada." But if current trends continue, the world is going to get less of Canada, as Canadian identity is swallowed up in a left-wing multicultural experiment.